Page 268 - chs-2002
P. 268
Below: "Ye , Mr. Cady, we're sure .. " o- di-
You know ~oaPbook IS tor-ln- hief, Bethany Harden tne · to stay p I·
tive and rea uring of things to come.
~ouP lifo wbon ...
"I was at yearbook" was your standard tardy You know the leading has nothing to do wit
excuse - you wake up in the middle of the a pencil - you get mad if you lose your pic
night with a new theme idea - you call your ruler- you've proved over and over that th
advisor "Mom" by mistake - you can recite closer you get to a deadline, the weirder you
the caption-writing formula by heart- you get sense of humor gets- you recognize the font
jealous because someone else uses white as the movie credits roll - you critique year
space better than you do - you know every books for fun - you refuse to read a maga
custodian by name - the yearbook room be- zine article because the layout has no eyelin
comes your second home - more people are - you call your English paper "copy" by mis
nice to you because they want their picture take - the lead-ins in your essay are bold
in the yearbook - you won't take a picture if face - you get graded down in English be
they're posing for the camera - you know cause you leave out the comma before "and'
your job number better than your phone in a series - you clear a place on the ligh
number - you cheer when your book gets table to eat dinner - you know the Thesau
mentioned in a slide show - you use year- rus is your friend - you're always looking fo
book fonts for everything you print- you crop a grease pencil -you know better than to sa
& caption pictures in your photo album - you something is impossible because you'll find
start saving your files every ten seconds - if a way - your whole day is ruined when you
anyone asks "Guess what came back to- file crashes- the yearbook phone rings ... it'
day?" You know the answer is "proofs" for you.
Above: Co-Editor-in-Chief, Lauren Mehl, want
to know "Can the underclassman ection era h
one more time?"
Right: "Ahh, thi is making me crazy! " tephen
Dee e trie to decipher the in truction given to
produce the page he i working on.
266 Yearbook taff