Page 265 - chs-2002
P. 265
Prints, Journalism in Action!
For the past three years, the Columbia High
School Journalism department ha. had the plea-
sureofpubli hing "Prints," CHS's literary maga-
zine. Compiled from submissions sent in by stu-
dent., "Prints" con ists of hort stories, poem ,
photograph , and drawings. The proce. s of sort-
ing submi sions is a tediou one, but "Prints" i.
a wonderful magazine that how off CHS tu-
dent ' talents. "Prints" i affiliated with Lake City
Community College for de ign and production.
Left: Looking through '>Ubmi>Sions co-editor-m-ch1ef Ashley
Jones chooses a good poem for the latest I'>SUe.
Right: Co- editor-in-chief ta y Readout keeps herself busy
editing and typing \tudent' work.
Center Left: The "Pnnt>" staff has confidence that ''Print>"
will be a success this year.
Center Right. The "Print'>" \taff all get along great ! Getting
so many people to agree i\no problem for this literary group.
Above: ophomorc, Charle'> Brush has his first journalistic lxl\c Ha•ing a great ume working wuh "Pnnt. ". Eduorof
Abmc Enthu\msm about journalism b reflected m Design
expenence a; "Prints" Gofer. ubmi Ions, Jenny Lowe\, will remember thi experience
Editor tcphen Deese·, smile as he always trie'> to help out
for a lifetime.
in any way poS'.ible.
Prints Literary Magazine 263