Page 137 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 137

Wonder  Why

                           Carrel Yisits the castle e,·ery day>
                           Thompson h<b  changed so?  He  has  slopped  dancing.  lle is going to discontinue the use of cigardte~
                           Proft·ssor Croom loob so 1uelancholy latelY?  Is he think111g of the P'bt?  Is he losing Iii< .~i/p/1 •
                           !Idmhurger has quit ,-isiting the l,illie?  J las he gin~u up>
                           l'.tl. c111't  make up his miiHI  which one he likes hesl >
                           ~!organ has heen  late to taps so often>
                           Ollie  Kinnison has changed so?  He must han: it bad.
                           Li\'ingston is always chasing a  little" Birdie>"
                           Rowe attends church so regularly Sunday nights?  Is he taking a special  course in  English >
                           Finch doesn't go to town so often as he used to>  Has In·ie gi\·en him the marble heart>
                           Burnette \\'a ugh admires Scott so?
                           Our Pre:,ident takes part in cake-walks in Tallahassee, and not in  Lake Cil\  ?
                           The ladies at Cornell  liked  Prof.  Young?  \\'as it because of his assll!nl'll  name?
                           Bartlett has the sore eyes?  Did he ga1.e at the Brook too hard?
                           Laycock thinks so much of  ~lert ~!ann >  Docs he consider him his nephew?
                           Thompson and  Carrel didn't room together?
                           They sen1l  all the wet and  water-sogged wood, that they cant burn at the shop,  up to the  Barracks?
                           It took  Professor  Borger two weeks to go from  Lake City to Chicago>
                           Lieutenant Cox  i~ so lenient with the boys who are late to taps?  I! as he been through it all ?
                           The" Board" saw fit to  heal the Dormitory at all>  \Vouldn't it he"'''"/>"  not to haYe  stun~s?
                           They don't han; a  \\'aterhury cluck in  the hall?
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