Page 135 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 135
Athletic Records.
These records an~ all authentic and will I~ Youched for h,· the Sl.tte Bo ud of ,\grintlturc.
E\'E:\T. REL'ClRil .
Running Broad Smile, BOI{(;I•R, h' hour~ , continuou~ .
\\'a! king- from College to Cast:~:. C \RREI., 2 S ~t·cond:-i
\\'alking to Duncan s Bar and hack ( I ..;,top , KI:\:\I~n. · . 0.: 1\Fs, :\.: LI\I\I,sro-; , + hours
(;dting up to breakfast, T IIO'I PSU:\.
Raising- Rough House, LI·: B\Ro:\: ~IITL'IIFI I.: L'o-;F, B., . :\ o rc·cord.
Inspecting 8 cad<:ts in one mom), PRESII)J·' '\1' YnL'l " . ()n}y once
Eating ~less Hall Bi-.cuits, IIFnint H(.J·R, 31
One mile bin·cle, from town, l'ROI' \\"\\'(,11, 25 Juinutl·s.
(;dting on Sick List, . SI·\'\Ill!R, • I<J da,·-. pet month .
Running Broad Jltlnp, ':\11 so-;, :\ o rc·cord.
S\\'iping pie in ~less Hall, '\I \jOR Ro\\ 1· , t pic·cc
(:oing to Opera \\'ithout ~rmit, P \I.'n R, Once.
':\ote.-This record \\'ill be certified to hy CommatHlant Cox, !'rob. \'onng . Ctoom atHl Borget and the
Officer of the Day, all of whom witnessed the a bon·