Page 140 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 140

Saying  of  the  Faculty.

                       You \I.
                          "<:entl<.:tnt:n,  thi~ i~ not .t  ,·ery or<l<.:rly  tm·ding
                          '  Ohjt't'h of int<.:re~t and  affection .'·
                          '' \\'illie can't you g<.:t  a  little kindling? ''
                       \\'  \l (:11.
                          "The dfo.:cl  \\as immejate."
                          "  That clear and concise presentation.
                          "  J 'm a  little oldman down hen: in the backwoods."
                          '' I know all that the author telb you and more, too.''
                          "  It is  very oll\·iou-. that this cltl:'s is not  studying."
                          '' That is only parrot  work. ''
                          "  llo you under~tand that clearly?  '
                          "  One of the first things in mathematics is to learn t<>  be  ~ystematical."
                       \ 'on;( ..
                          "I don't know,  but if you want to,  for certain, perhaps you had better  look it up."
                          " Now  ['II  let you  find  that out for  yourself.''
                           "  The cla-.s seems to be about equally undh•iti<'d about  this  question, so we  will have  to get Mr.  Heimburger
                               to settle it for us."
                           "  Raise Cassava."
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