Page 138 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 138

A  boy always decides to take a  Business Course after he has failed  in two or three examinations?
                            Miss S  mm-rs always carries the umbrella,  when she walks with Scott E  ?
                            Professor  Borger seems to have lost interest in the  Preparatory  Department)
                            Professor lllair is  late to Chapd?  Is he kept np late nights?
                            Bridges doesn't study Theology ?
                            Coogler likes  Mathematics so well?
                            The Clutonians don't im·ite the boys up to their Friday afternoon  hops?
                            Professor Miller didn't want" :\Iadge "  to carry a  hand box on their honeymoon?
                            The pi. no was moved?  Are the ~onnals' ears more delicate than the h.1rracks boys')
                            Pattillo takes so much interest in (de) Bates?
                            Morgan gave ''Column  Right '' to his church squad when he got to Henderson 's?
                            So many merchants in town advertised  in our annual ?
                            Doctor Yocum belie\·es in keeping en~rything at a  "  :\ormal "  condition?
                            Cubans newr serve punbhment?
                            Scott and his girl  looked so straight to the front in  the Clutonian picture)
                            It takes three professors to do ten  hours work a  week in  third story)
                            Professor  Young  ,·isits  the  President's  house  so  often?  Is  it  the  Pre.;iclent's  guest  or  the  President's

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