Page 142 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 142
"Young man you had better study that chapter."
":\lr. --is there anything in the lt:sson that you do know.''
:\[ISS FIGl \RO.\.
" Silencio! " " Abrin los libros."
"llsted nect:sita t:Studiar mucho. "
" Senor Craver es un hueno muchacho. "
:\ITSS B\ R:-; ,,s.
" :\1r. Raysor and :\fr. Wheeler are reported for absence from algebra."
:\1Iss McCJ.INTOCK .
"0, yes, you can. why certainly you can."
•· When you all begin to write dramas, I want you to do it according to the proper conventionals."
MISS \'OCl' )J.
·• Beg pardon."
'• Botany is the finest thing in the world "
" A person can get used to almost anything."