Page 144 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 144

J okdets  and  So 4th.

                          \\'hen  Carrel  kft  for  home  Xmas,  we heard that   Jim  .>!itchell  s  advice  to  the  Freshman  Cla•s in
                       he mistook a head light on a locomotive for a lightning   English," Dott  your  eics, cross  your  teas,  and don't
                       hug, and of cour~e we thought he had joined the Tem-  use too many and "es.''
                       perance Socit!ty   (" But the eat came back.'  )   r,·es was  asked  by one of the  Juniors  how many
                          One of the  Junior  "  Pearls "  asked the Professor   Spaniards  he  killed in the  last war, and he answered,
                       of  Philosophy  "  What is  cause  and  dfect) '·  a tid  to   "  \\"ell,  l  killed as many of  them as they did of me."
                       please  tell  her, as  she  did  not understand  the  meau·   There  is  a  cadet  in  college who  attends  church
                       ing.   The  Professor  replied,  "  \\'hen  you  go  home   regularly , and clasps his hands so tight during pra) er
                       to night, light a  fire  with  about  four  gallons of k, ro   time, that  he  can't  get  them  open until after the col
                       sene.  This is the effect~  funeral  service at 2  o'clock.   lection box  has passed.  He says that is not due to tl.e
                       :\o flowers."                             fact  that he hasn "t the '' Price.''
                          \\"hen  Uvingston  left  home  for  college,  he  took   Carrel,  being  a;ked  hb  fa\·orite  States,  replied
                       leave of  his mother in  this manner   "  ~lothtr, l  will   mthout  ltt:sitation ,  "\"irginia, -'latrimony and Cle\e
                       write  often,  and  think  of  you  constantly "   \\"hen   land.''
                       he returned home in June, he remarked to his anxious   Snowden  Miller was  agent  for a  bible  this  sum·
                       mother,  "Deah  mothaw,  I  greet  you  once  moah. ''   mer, and, at one of the  houses  where  he  stopped, he
                       Imagine the feeling of the kind mother.   asked  the  lady of the  house whether  he  might  leave
                          A  "Young'' graduate of the Institution was asked   some  '' tracts ''  there.   '' Lea\'e  some  tracts, ''  said
                       in  his  examination  for  his  Professorship,  "  Do  you   she.  "Certainly you  may, and  lea\·e  them  with  the
                       think that the earth is round or flat?"  "  \\'ell, "  said   heels toward~ the house, if you  please.''
                       the  young  man,  "some  people  say round, some  Aat,   -'!ann was asked,  '' Do you  know why half farth·
                       but I'll teach just as the Trustees desire."   ings are coined  for  your special use?"   \'hen here·
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