Page 146 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 146
plied that he did not, he was informed that it was to take my seat, that I have always attended a day
gi\·e him an opportunity to contribute to some athletic school, and it is impossible."
association. Teacher of lliston•. "\\'ho was the first man? "
The president of the Junior Class asked Burnett Patillo.-" \\'ashington. he was the first man. ·
\\"augh how much he would give on a chandelier for Teacher. ".:\'o, no; Adam was the first man."
the class room, and he said, "Shoo 1 !'arson, what Patillo -·"Oh, if you are talking of foreigners, I
we want to get a chandelier for? There hain 't nobody s'pose he was."
that can play it when we do get it.'' " \\"hen rain falls. does it rise again? " asked the
"Ikie" s~ys be wishes he was a grasshopper, so Professor of Chemistry. " \"es, sir," replied Bridges.
he could ny to St. I,ouis to save car fare. I !e does '· \\'hen? " asked tne Professor. " \\'hy, in dew
not know that the "sap sucker" would catch him time," was the answer.
hefore he left the ground a great distance. The Professor in Latin asked a member of the
The Junior girls are very popular among the inale Fresh!lJan Class, " \Vhat would you call a man who
sex of the class. 1'he Sophomore girls wonder why pretends to know en~rything? " Freshman. "A
that is; it is not because they are "good looking." profess01. · ·
Some poetry by a member of the Junior Class: \\"hen Palmer was asked, in the Geometry class,
Fleming slays the pensive pig, how many sides there were to a circle, he answered,
Cuts ofT his ears and feet, "Two." And, when asked what they were, he re·
Puts the toes into his mouth, plied," The inside and the outside."
And thus we call him " Sheep," Gathered waists are \'ery much worn this winter,
A cautious look around he stole, but if lhe "Normals" do not hurry aud get here,
!lis bags of chink he chunk, gathering time will be o\·er, and the poor boys will he
And many a wicked smile he smole, left until some other year.
And many a wink he wunk. Last year you could not hear a soul but
(Copyrighted.) Fu:m:-;c. "Tommy." He has stuck his tongue to a nat·iron,
Ht:iml.,erger was asked to read some selection of and the barracks has been remarkably quiet ever
his own choice at a party the other night. After a since.
long pause, he exclaimed,'' I am sorry that I have Han·ey \\'a ugh, desiring to go home with a friend
disturbed you so long, but would like to say before I at the end of the year, asked the railroad agent,