Page 148 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 148

'' \\'h<tt is the fare to Cleveland?''  1'he latkr replied   replied  Bingam,  ·•  Great  Scott!  how  they  did  run  1
                     that the fare was  2!   Harvey then asked how much   \[y dear  fool,  they ran  so  much  like thunder that we
                     he  charged  for  a  hog  or a cow, and  the  an~wer was   had  to  run  three  miles to keep out of  the way, and if
                      10 for a cow, and -3 for a  hog.  Harvey, jumping at   we  had  uot thrown  our  guns  away they would have
                     the clunce, asked the agent to book him as a  hog.   run O\'er us.''
                         llan·ey,  while  standtng  sentinel,  was  found   1'he  Professor  of Astronomy  asked,  "  Where  is

                                              y.,..~~  ~a<?-,>  w~;t6' ~'\,.,..~ d;•
                                                    0  ~\   c:..  1\.S -' A.  v  1>.
                      asleep  on  ltb watch.  \\'hen  the  commandant  a"ked   the  place in  the hea,·ens  called  the 1enith ?"   "  It is
                      for an explanation of the affair, he replied that it must   the spot in  the heavens  directly over  one's head," re-
                      be a mistake, as  he  had  given  nis watch  to  his  girl,   marked  \!ajor  Rowe,  "  Can  two  persons  have  the
                      and abo all the jewelry he possessed.     same  zenith?"  was  asked.   "1'hey  can,"  replied
                         Bingam  was  telling  of his  experiences  in  Cuba,   Rowe.   'How?"  asked the Professor.  " \\'hen one
                      and how the enemy ran.  One of B Co. brownies (Car·   stands on the other's hea'l."
                      rei) asked him,  "Did they run?"  •·  Did they run)"
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