Page 158 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 158
~lrss V1:>zA=>T, B.
" Down on your kneL-s
And thank Heaven, fasting, for a good man s Jo,·c "
McC1 I.I.OCH. " In every jesture, dignity."
R1·~s. " Ilo" green you are and fresh in this old world."
HE=>DERSO:>. "This I know, I }o,·e to play while others work "
" RespL>et the Faculty that forms thy judgment."
'' \\'e modern writers often see our good things copie,J hy the ancient masters."
BH; Srx '' Fools rush in "·here angels fear to tread.''
~I!TCI!El., \V. "Often the cockloft is empty in those whom Xature has built many storie; high."
L.\BOR.\TORY. " I counted two and se\'enty stenches,
All wdl defined and se\·eral stinks."
Cl.l'TI(. "Thou art long and lank and brown,
As is the ribbed-sea saud."
" Yon Ca><sius hath a lean and hungry look."
" I saw her at a country hall ·
She was our queen(?), our rose, om star;
,\nd when hhe danced-oh, hea,·ens , her dancing
ANDJ-:RSON. " As short and dark as a mid-winter day."
Ex Cm11>'T " Who sees the \'acant chair and think,
' How good ! how kind ! that he is gone 1 ' "
H \ R R ISO:> , P. " A natural horn actor."
II \:>COCK. "Time was, when a man lost his brains, he died. ·•
Co•.•·•·:<;~-: B\~<D.
"This must be the music of the spears,
For I'm cussed if each note of it doesn't run through me."