Page 158 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 158

~lrss  V1:>zA=>T,  B.
                                   "  Down on your kneL-s
                                    And thank Heaven, fasting,  for a  good man s  Jo,·c  "
                        McC1  I.I.OCH.   "  In every jesture, dignity."
                        R1·~s.     "  Ilo" green you are and fresh  in  this old world."
                        HE=>DERSO:>.   "This I  know,  I  }o,·e to play while others work  "
                        STI'lJE:>T  BODY.
                                   "  RespL>et  the  Faculty that forms  thy judgment."
                        YE.\R  ROOK  EDITORS.
                                   '' \\'e modern writers often see our good things copie,J hy the ancient masters."
                        BH;  Srx   '' Fools rush in "·here angels fear to tread.''
                        ~I!TCI!El., \V.  "Often  the cockloft is empty in those whom  Xature has built many storie; high."
                        L.\BOR.\TORY.  " I  counted two and  se\'enty stenches,
                                    All wdl defined and se\·eral stinks."
                        Cl.l'TI(.   "Thou art long and  lank and brown,
                                    As is the ribbed-sea saud."
                                   "  Yon  Ca><sius  hath a  lean and  hungry look."
                                   "  I saw her at a  country hall ·
                                    She was our queen(?), our rose,  om star;
                                    ,\nd when hhe danced-oh,  hea,·ens , her dancing
                        ANDJ-:RSON.   "  As short and dark as a  mid-winter day."
                        Ex Cm11>'T   "  Who sees the \'acant chair and think,
                                     '  How good !  how kind !  that he is gone  1  '  "
                        H \ R R ISO:> ,  P.  "  A  natural horn actor."
                        II \:>COCK.   "Time was, when a  man lost his brains,  he died. ·•
                        Co•.•·•·:<;~-:  B\~<D.
                                   "This must be the music of the spears,
                                     For I'm cussed  if each note of it doesn't run through  me."
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