Page 155 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 155
" And now abirleth Faith, Hope, Charity, the~e three; hut tlu: gre.ttt:st of these i~ I lope."
PATTILLO, L. "There lies a deal of de,·iltry beneath that l'alm exterior."
~[n.L~:R, A. S. ".\merrier man, within the limit of becoming mirth, I ne\·er spent an hour's talk withal.''
FI.l,\IIXG. " Poet, artist, musician, these and more."
"All coons look alike to me."
~I\ x :-~. " .\ head to plan, a hand to execute any form of m iseh il•f."
SoPHOMOREs. ".\tal when they yelled, we thought an ass did bray."
"~lueh .\do About :\othing."
LI\'I:-.GsTox. "Costly thy habit as til\' purse can buy. '
'' Being your slaYe, \\hat ~hould I do but tt:nd upon the hours atul times of your desire?"
~lrss H .\XX.\H JEFFRIES.
"And, then, there s something in her gait ''
" I hate all men. "
Fn.l.liR. "God bless the man that im·ented sleep "
"Gim 'me some terhacca. "
Ht ~ti'HREYS. "I think the boy hath some good in him· I !e blushes."
"T,ike blushing maid, or blooming posy."
1\IIss \'m·xc . "You will find her a shrewd contriYer."
"The lady doth prt!lend too much, methinks."
CR.\\'ER. "Enjoy the honey heayy dew of slumber.''
" Thou wear a lion's hide 1 Doff it for shame, and hang a calf's skin on those recreant limbs."
Kix:-.ISON, 0. "If the ladies were as much in lo,·e with me, as I am with them, how many hearts would he
broken? ''
CoxE, W .: LE B.\Rox; BRowN, ~L
"There's small choice in rotten apples."
BRWGES. " Be not simply good, but good for something."
" .\re not great men the models of nations ? ''