Page 157 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 157
In·:s, H. "Silence is often th<! mo~t efTecti,·e eloquence.··
"The tartness of his face :;our~ ripe grape .. "
CooK. "Incapable of mbchief or criminal intention."
:\ftSS Fl'TCI!. •· Sweet was her smile, but not for me.'
~fiTCIIEL, J.; l\1.\Y.
"There's not a third one to 1~ found."
Ktx'IISO;o.;, E. "\\'hat i~ the little one thinking about>"
'' A man who seem:; of cheerful ye~terdays, ami confident to-morro\h. ·
"To Fortune and Fame unknown ."
C.\RREL. "One eYcrlasting, damned, eternal tlOise ...
"They alway; talk \dlO ne,·er think.''
"Swans sing before they die: 'twere no bad thing,
Did certain pep;ons die before they sing. '
Ft;o.;cii. " \Viser in his own conceit than sen~n men that can render a reason "
" I'm not in the roll of common men. "
FoKT.\l;-.1. "The world knows nothing of its great men."
•' The ofT~pring of the gods, tho· horn on earth.'
:\hss St'\DIERS.
" I do admire nice /itt/, men."
EDWARDS; S. " Hereupon confess, I am in 10\·e "
CooGLER. "~e,·er unprepared."
" I am only one,
Hut ~till 1 am one."
" With mincing step, small Yoice and languid eye. ·•
:\[ISS ScoTT. " ller hair dropped 'round her pallid check
Like seaweed on a clam."
" How fluent nonsense trickles ofT her tongue "