Page 156 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 156
" He doth, indeed, slto\\ some sparks that are likt wit. "
" \\'hal a spendthrift he is of his ton~ue.''
Cll \I,KI·:R. "l,Nthe world slide, I'll not hud~e an inch. "
\!ISS PF\K, '' ller voice was ever ~entle and low; an excellent thing in woman.·'
" She would not in a peremptory tone,
Assert the nose upon her face her own. "
''Comedy of Errors.''
",\las 1 They were so young, so beautiful,
So lon:ly, Iovin~. helpless.''
\\'H.!' li'I. I> " \Ve all are poets when we nad a poem \\ell "
ll\RT!,J;T'r. " One lan~ua~e held his ht:art and lip."
"just at that age twixt hoy and youth. "
13\'r~:. " \\'hen shall we look upon his like a~ain ? "
BIWII'i, .\ . " There are others " (hut he will not believe it.)
I' \TT!SII \1, 1, "There's just One Girl. "
" I want to be an ang-el.
And with the angels stand,
Or sit beside a skule mann,
And hold her by the hand. "
\l \I{Z()';[. " Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw. "
",\nother little private
Mustered in
The army of temptation
And of sin."
SDIO';'I'o:-;. "The mirror of all courtl>sy. "
" Good Heavens! Get back into your cradle.
~hss B.\TES. " As fresh as rain on cherry blossoms."
~!ISS BROOKS. " ~ly lord, he IO\'eS me well."
" Not like other girls."