Page 153 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 153
\V.\t'Gll, C. \ ' . " Plays such fantastic tricks before high lfea\·en .ts make the an.:tl.•· laugh
" I am Sir Oracle,
And when I ope my lips, let no dog hark.·
BARNES. '' Delightful task 1 to rear the tend~.:r thought ,
To teach the young idea ho\\ to shoot. "
:-.rrss \'ocnt. " You may get the' ·edding garments readv
HADI.EY. '• Thou art a fellow of a good respect. ·'
Goss.\RD. "Haunting the hills, the stream , the wild,
Swallow and aster, lake aml vine,
To him grew human or di,·ine. ·•
M!!,l, ER . " Ha,·e you seen Joe?"
" Forsooth, a great arithmetician."
" I teach my lips its sweetest smile,
:-.ry tongue its softest tone.'·
"Xot to·day, I 'll do it to morrow."
"An old favorite. "
}ERNIG \'> . " A harmless, inoff~.:nsive creature. "
" A very gentle beast and of a good conscience.
Jon:-. \'ot'NG . ".\nd still they gazed , and still the wond~.:r grew,
That one small head could carry all he knew .·
EutoRE Yot'NG.
" All(t thereby hangs the tale."
SEN!ORS. "\\'hen shall we three meet again?"
" All's well that ends well. "
ROWE. '' I am a man more sinned against than sinning. "
'' A man after his own heart. ··
PRICE. "You're uncommon in something, you 'rt: uncomtnon small "
THO~!PSOX . " Come, rouse thee, now. "
" 0, bed I 0, bed! delicioth bed ' '