Page 85 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 85
The Faculty's Decision.
\\'.\S 2 ,;o h) the college clock when the show began.
"~ow, Centlcmen,'' said Jlr. Yocum, in his usual bland ,·oice, "I hdi~n· th~r~
are some ladies present, tno-onr first hnsinl-,s to he taken up is. I suppose. whether
;llr. Thompson shall he allowed to elect Ph\·,iolog,· in place of Pln·sics or not. A~ he
intends to study medil'ine, perhaps this would he more direct!) ad,·antageous to him.
But it is for you to decide I would he glad to hear the sentiments of the Faculty.'
" l gue" you will hear enough before ,·ou are through, ' said Professor Had !e)·.
in a growling undertone.
"I don't think it will he rig-ht to allow ;-tr. Thompson to drop the work in Physics since he has begun
it." said l'roft·ssor Young "and besides, it is a \·en· es,ential work. One minuk, pleas . ''as Professor\\ a ugh
rose to su gest that Th01npson do some extra work in Latin. " l mon! that he he rl~juired to do the work 111
l'p jumped Professor Waugh like a hair-spring was concealed beneath the long tails of his "Prince
Albert" coat. "I don't think it is necessary for Thompson to finish the course in Physics," said he, ignoring the
scowl which Professor Young ga,·e him. "Since he is to study medicine, he needs a thorough drill inl.atin,
and, l>esides, he has some work in Philosoph,· to make up "
" It is just this way," said Professor Stockbridge, jumping up excitedly--.
"ll!ay I say a \\Ore!," said Professor Young, arising in some haste.
" I forgot to say that Thompson has some Ethics to make up, ' said Professor \\"augh. rbing suddenly
and turning OYer his chair. ·' Let him leave off something ebe: one hour in my department is worth two in any
other, any way."