Page 93 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 93

Charge  to  the  Juniors.

                    To  TIIF  Ct  \~S OJ'  'y9:
                         The last scene of the drama played by the cia~· of '98 has lx-en  reached.  The actors are ai><Jut  to lean• the
                    stage.  \\'e have given you some comedy, and now the death seen~. the tragical, come-; hefim~ nlu   You  .Ire  no
                    straugt:rs to the fact that the career of the ch1s> of  9S has l~n an illustrious  and  glorious one  :o that vou  ma ,.
                    wdl put aside some of the grief  you fL""t:l  at our departure, and reJOit·e  in  the  fact  that  you, the memher.., of  the
                    Junior Clas,, ha,·e been  made sole heirs to '9S s large but rather din,rse estate.
                         It is to this last will and testament that we now ask you to li,lt:n  with all due re1·erence.
                         Thb \\ill  has been duly signed  by  each  member of the el.hs of  9s, and in additton bl.ns the  JJ.IIIIl' of  thr<·e
                     witn~s~es  ,-iz. ·
                                            Tilt·  .\'11 IBI.h  AKUJII:  l't·K~o-.;s, :\1  S..· ..
                                            ST  I'J:TEK  II!!Kil.\Kll ''  Rot,Plls,  :'11.  Sc.,
                    and  his assistant,     A1.11  \Hit'"  I.1h~EcT \Jt'U:->T\-.;c~;,  :\1.  Sc.
                         This final  will  and te  lament is subjL'Ct to three conditions, which are as follows·
                         1-i'n/- hould any Junior see fit  to embark upon the ocean of matrimonial bliss, our sympathies are hert:ll\·
                    extended to him or her, and that me•nher's portion shall  renrt to any member of  '<JS  who mav be  in  th~ collt:g<'.
                         St,.vnd.-Should any Junior e\'t:r forget himself or  heN:lf so far .ts to earry on a  fan  or h:tndken·hil·f tlirta
                    tion  wtth .lily other than a  member of '9y. the aforesaid Junior shall relinquish all right to the proper\\' and  bt:ne
                    fits  bestowed by this will
                         /Jurd and /.a.l//r.-.\ny Junior who shall knowingly smoke a cigarette,  join in  th~ midnight rL·Il'ls  ol  tlw
                     K.  of C  , or attempt to enter upon the ~cholastic dutib of  ·l}lJ  with  more than h.lihlozen  hack studie-., o,hall  lost'
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