Page 91 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 91
\\'e feel sure that as !On).( as Profl>sor Go":nd. Profl~sor I I ume clltd ~ltss \ ocum n:m,tin 1\ Jth '"· Wl' 1\ til
ha,·e a department in Biolog~· that will lx• the pridL• of the Stall'.
\\'e acknowled).(e that Cicero \las a g-reat Lati;r scholar, am! that \rislotlc Wets,, \Ltskt of l'hil<hoph,.
\\'e haH· both of these in oue man-Profe,;sor \\'augh.
\\'e are proud of the fact that Mr. \\'amho!t, our Tn,;trudor in l\locution, is th<· nu"t eloquent prcctch<·r
and one of the he,;t orators in the Stale
\\'e know that no school has a CommatHbnt that can equal Lieuknant Co.· As a man, he is lon·d hy
each and e,·ery one of the cadets, and, in his official capacity, he is " E Pluribus t'num ·
La,;tly, hut not leastly hy any means, we would like to say something to express our appn·ciation an<l
rc~ard for :-!iss ~kClinto. k, hut \\e are utt~erl~ unahl~e to find wonb which are fitting . As an instrm·t• r in
Engli,;h and History . sh~e can not he equaled, .uul, at the ,;ame timl', hy hn uni\·ersal kindnu;s and '-'"llaonlinal\
tact, she has won the he.rrh of <:wry student of the Florida ,\gricultur.d College. ~loKl. \" ·