Page 90 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 90
Our Creed.
fta ~7 E helie,·e that we are the best educational institution in the State, and st.urd ready to hack up our
1 -J;~ if; opinions with our blood if necessary.
·. l'Jf< ~ J- \\'e believe that you would luwe to ride a good tra\·eling horse for many long days before
~~a ~ you will find a man who can take the place of llr. \V. F. Yocum .
·-- •~ \\'e believe that the courses in Physics and Mathematics are hard enough, and if you
learn e\·erything that Professor Young- and Profes,;or Borger can teach you, you \\ill he able to calculate the dis·
lance from the" Barracks" to the" Dormitory " with n:ry little trouble, and, if ~·ou happen to be sitting in the
p:~rlor of the g-irls Dormitory on Friday nig-ht and hear" taps" blow, you will readily understand the' ' First Law
of' .\lotion ' is " Double-time.
\\'e hdie,·e that the conrse of study in Chemistry, under tht! management of Professors ~Iiller and Hlair, is
onl' that .tny institution might be proud of.
We hdit.•\'l' that l'roft.-ssot Stockbridge cannot be excelled in his department.
\\'e are persuaded of the truth of the fact that ~!iss Figuaroa can so thoroughly equip a person in Spanish
and [lrcnch, that he will forget his own nationality, and imagine he is a Count de Small money or a fellow-country·
man of l>on Quixote.
\\'e kno\\ that there is not a bdter preparatory school in the State than ours, conducted by Professor
~!arion and ~~iss Barnes.
It is a well known fact that, in the Business Course, Professor Hadley has few equals, while in the Depart·
ment of Stenography, Type\\riting- and TckgTaphy ~!ioses De Sha and \'inzant are the peers of the very best
\\'c can assure you that any one who has any talent in any branch of mechanics can de,·elop it to its fullest
extent, uuder the able ~upen·i~ion of Profe~sor~ Co" and Croom