Page 95 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 95
ro. A hook of d:h, ~ong;,. gotten out h\' Birdie Yin1.ant and L. Borg~r
s, "'d ,\ small iron s:tfe, which bears the inscription: • Jesse johthon Fink\·, jtttlior, .tnt! Ed II
Clute .. \rchi,·es." and is supposed to contain the oflit·ial "~.11 ami othn paraphernalia pertaining to tht· K. ol C.
Thb, it is sim·erely hoped, will never be op~m:d.
ll1ird. -Two small cast steel lockers containittg- mess hall htst'Uth, \\hich he.u the original st.unp ol ~It
Charlie Finley. and are warranted by hint
h1111/h -One string of nu.:ss hall sausage.
ll/1!1 \\'e bequeath to you the Senior dignity. Tlus must he h.tndlt-tl with can·.
Sit/h. Two hundred commencement in\"itatioth .tt ~ocents each .
• '>( ;·mth.-\\"e bequeath to you the anticipation of comment·ement
C \\"1'10;>; ·-Do not choose your escort or dress for the evening until after the Faculty met·h.
h"i.:liii!.-Two pairs of patent leather slippers, once worn hy ~!arion (;Jlhert llonk. It is the wish of tht·
class of '91> that they be presen·ed as relics.
Xinfh.-\\'e bequeath to )Ott the elevator to the third story, and we trust that you may derin• mudt
pleasure from the use of same.
Tuz/!1.-\\'e bequeath to you this powerful , compound, achromatic lens, and hope by its ust• you \\til he
able to see and appreciate the Senior pri,·ilege~ .
But what we would really say to you to·day as we step from the prokcting intlu~nce of our collt-ge must
be said in all earnestness.
1. \\'e bequeath to you the opportunity to make the tnost of your Senior year. Be true to vonrseh·,,
and do not undereotimate your influence or worth .
z. Be loyal, be true to our college.
3· Cherish class tics Be alway~ ready to strin! for '<J<J·
There arc those things that make life worth lidng, and after our four ye·tr' arl" OY<:I Wl" ft:d th,\l \\L" 111\t't
li,·e our \'ery be,t, li,·c the noblest lives po,sible, no malll'r in what station , in order to do credit to and <:xpr~'' .t
meagre thanks for the rich gifts our Alma :\later has he,towo.:d upon tts
Ha,·e our four years not taught us that co !leg<: graduates ha,·e duties to perform and dutie, from '' hich
they dare not shrink?