Page 94 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 94

his right to a  seat at the staff  table, and  shall  he  prohibited  from  dancing  the german, unless special  permit  is
                       ohtaim:(l from  the Conunandant of Cadets,  A.B.
                            These conditions,  it is hoped,  may nen:r he  brought  into play, since the members of the l'lass of  '99 han~
                       always heen  noted for their moralit~· and studious habits.
                            That this will  and  tl·stament he duly carried out, and  that  all  complications be a\·oided,  we  suggest  that
                       each  member of the Junior Class apply promptly at the law office of ~Iajor William \\'alton  Flournoy,  .\.B., C. of
                       C., C  B., T  of C.  :\!  !!., atHl  1'.  of~!. S. and T ., or if he is out perhaps his Iiiii.  Major can give you some valu·
                       able advice
                            The will  now proceeds to rather a  detailed enumeration of the aforesaid property, to wit:
                            lil.,f.  The extensive libran  of  '<JS.  which is as follows.
                            1.  A set of fourteen  Yoluntes  entitkd  "Experiences  and  !low to  Profit by Them. "   These,  it is  hoped ,
                       will  he thoroug-hly read and studied.
                            2.  A  volume by  Ed.  I I  Clute, entitled "How to  Prepare Four Recitations in  Fifteen  :\linutes."'
                            J.  Three ,·olumes by  DaYid  S  Butler, Junior. entitled  "The Latest and Best Appro,·ed  ~Iethod of DlufT-
                       ing the ConunatHlant of Cadets,  .\.  B."'
                            -+·  .\ quarto \"olume composed of contributions from  n1rious members of  "<)8,  and reads,  "  How to Select
                       Class  Pins Warranlt:d  :\e,·er to  Break or Change Color.··
                            :;.  The  '9~ Cook  Book,  which  contains  many choice receipts for the preparation of chicken purlieus  and
                       oyokr stews, gotten out bY  Jesse johnson Finley, Junior, and  ~lajor \\'. E. Yocum.  This is to be read and  used
                       only after  to 30  P.  ~~
                            6 .. \  \"Olume  by Jesse Johnson  Finley, Junior, which  contains  many  ,·aluable  suggestions  on  "llow  to
                       Visit the Castle  During Stud)  Hours.  '
                            i·  Two  ,· hy  Oliver  L.  Driscoll , entitled  "Schemes  on  :\laking  Other  People  Do  Your \\'ork, "'
                       and a  small supplement on  the "Study of Electricity and Shocks," by  the same author
                            8.  A  set of four ,·oluutes  on  "Kiuks  in  Logic  Examinatious."  l•:dited by )lari..,n C. Donk and  \\"alter
                       F  Dodd
                            <J.   A  book of  sp~cial formulas  and  axion!';, gotten out by the faculty of  the  F. A. C  , all  of  which  are
                       clear, except one  oYer  which  "9S  has growu weary.  It  is  this  equatiou:  "Oue mouth  Seuior  ,·acatiou .  Two
                       Wl't:ks · double back  work.' ·
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