Page 220 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 220
Jo eph aron Baker
'o,ember 12. 19 9
cti\ itie : Drama club (9), Fn.: hman las. Pn.: id~.:nt (9), I~ plorcr (9), D·bate Team (9), Em ironmen-
talcluh(9), arit) ocer(9).~1u lphaTheta(I0-12), 1 H (10-12),Bl~'IA(I0-12),Homecoming
Representati\ e (12).
"High school helped me to discover who I am and share that with everyone. It also ga"e me the knowl-
edge I net.:d to start my future as well .1s gtve me the best friends I've ever had!"
Future Plan : ttend Cfo and get a B tn psychology: career path in ps)cholog) and criminal justice
to "help a. man) people as I can."
L) nda Ba setti
D ·cember 14. 19 '9
cti.,ities: Warrior Band (Drum Major 12, Flut/piccolo 1st chair and section leader 11-12) (9-L, F
(9-11 ), Jail Band ( 11-12).
"High school has helped me realize that all dreams can he achet\ed and to always try."
Future Plans: Go to a two )Car college then go to F and be in the Gator Band and become a music
\! tlltam Johnathan Blanchard
ugu~t 14, 1991
Activtltes. HO A (9), JV Baseball (9-11 }, JV occer (9), F A (9), H (9 12), Varsit. oc t.:r (I 0-12),
B T (Vtce Prestdent 12) (I 0-12}, Varsit) Baseball ( 12), ross Country ( 12).
"High ch ol taught me a lot and prepared me for the rest of my life."
Future Plans: ttend LC and F and then become a ports broadcaster.
manda Hop· Burle on
1arch 9. I 90
Activities: Warrior Band (9-12), LEAK (9-1 0), F A (11-12).
"High school helped me realize once you learn things you never forget th m and tr) to pr pare forth
real world."
Future Plans: Attend LC and become and LP •.
Paige shlynn Bu ey
D·cemba 21, 19 9
Acttvitics: 1 Volleyball (9-10), Varsit) Volleyball (Captain 12)(11-12), trls Weightlifting ( 12 , Indian
Mentor ( 12) Homecoming Queen ( 12).
"Htgh school helped me learn to achie"e the chall nges put in front f m and help make me the person I
am today."
Future Plans: Atten FC th n transfer to a uni'ler ity for elementar ducati n.
Ale ander Bennett Butler
December 1 , 1989
Activities: Cross Country (9-12), JV Baseball (9-1 0), JV football (9-1 0), 1 Ba!->ketball (9-1 0), Varsit
Baseball ( 11-12), Varsity Football ( 11-12), Varsity Basketball (11-12). HS ( 12). BETA (Treasurer 12)
(12), Mu Alpha Theta (12).
"High chool allowed me to meet new people and create new memorie . It has prepar d me for the
future and given me tooL to succeed in life."
Future Plan.: ttend F and major in civil engineering.
Tonya Marie Byrne
ovember 14, 1988
"High cho I taught me that I have to work hard in order to gain success."
Future Plan. : Attend L CC.