Page 223 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 223
'imberly Ann Jackson
ovember 27, 1989
ctivities: ROTC (9-1 0), FAC (9-12).
High ~chool taught me things that will last forever. I had great teachers and great friends."
uturc Plans: Join Army to be a member of the Military Police.
nnmarie "AJ" Jeffords
ugust 13, 1989
ctivities: JV Basketball (9), Flag Football (9), HOSA (11-12).
High ~chool helped me find out who I am as a person." N
Futun:: Plans: Attend college to become an R
arah Mane Keene
ovember 20, 1989
ctivitics: HOSA (9-12), FCA (9-12), Scribblers ( 12). I
'I have had some amazing teachers who taught me alot about life, like Mrs. Donovan and Mrs. Jewell,
and great principals like Mr. Carter. I have learned who my true friends are."
uture Plans: Attend LCCC to become a Physical Therapist or possibly attend the Baptist college of
Brittany arol Kent
cptcmh r 17, 1990
ctivitics: Varsity Dance (Lt. I 0-11 )(Captain 12)(9-12), JV occer (9), Yearbook Staff (9-12), JV Soft-
all (10), Varsity Soccer (10-12), Leadership (12), emor Class Historian.
High chool wa. a learning experience and it really helped me grow as a person. The things you learn
and the fncndship. you make last forever."
Future Plans: ttend FCC and become a Child Advocate Lawyer.
anika Renee Lubold
:\.pril 4, 1990
;\ ti itie : Var~ity Dance (9), JV Soccer (Captain 10)(9-10), Varsity Soccer (11-12).
High school taught me that if you can handle the drama in high school the real life i nothing at all."
uturc Plans: Attend FS and major in Criminal Ju. tice.
achacl Lydick
May :II, 1990
ctivities: Band (9), FCA (9-11 ), HOS ( 12)
'High school help you out alot. It even helps you decide what you want to be."
Future Plans: Attend College and become a R
tephen McCartan Lynch II
ovember 17, 19 9
:\.ctivities: FCA (9-11) J Football (9-1 0) Varsity Soccer (Captain 12)(9-12), HS (Secretary 12)( 10-
12), BETA (1 0-12), Junior lass President, Mu Alpha Theta (12), Student Body President (12).
High school helped prepare me for college and the rest of my future."
Future Plans: Attend a four year university to obtain a double major in architecture and bu ine . Eventu-
ally own a personal architecture firm.