Page 221 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 221


  Roy  larence Carh\le, Jr.
  June 22.  191\9
  \ct\ iti  :  Football (9-11  .
  'Hi 'h s  hoot made me y,ant to recieve an education and it  ha  prepared me for a successful future."
  Future Plans:  Land a promising career and be successful in  life.


  \cti\ ities:  I   (9-1 0),  arstiy  Dance Team (9·1 0,  12), Journalism (9-1 0,  12).
  'High  chool helped me grow up and learn.  It's a supplement that made me who lam today. Dance team
  I\< a  the biggest impact."
  Future Plans: Attend SFC  , get u business degree, get a cosmotology  license. and keep dancing.

   ~annah  ox
  \.1an.:h  22,  1990                                                                        I
  .\cti,ities:  T·C  (9-12). HO   (9-12).
   High  chool has shown me the true me and who my true friends are."
   uturc Plans:   ttend college and become an R
   arohna f<'i  'Ueroa-Crooke
  June 25,  1990
  \ell  it1cs·  JV  occer (9-1 0). f<'BL  (I 0), Journalism (II), Elementary school volunteer ( 11-12).
  'lhgh  chool showed me who my  true friends are.  It also showed me the career that I wanted to pur  ue
  1ft  r h1  h  chool."
              ttend a universlt), get a  1a. ters degree in elementary education, and become a flight

   tcli  a Ro  D •ar
   ovembcr 14,  1989
   ctiv itic  :  HO   (Hi  tori  n  12) (9-12). Varsity Dance Team (9), FCA (I 0-12).
  'High  chool h.1  help  d  me ptcpare for the real  world.  It ha\ also influenced me to work hard towards
  m)  oals in  life.  Good lu  k cia  of ·o' on your adH!ntures in  life.  Go  en1ors!"
   uture Plan  :   ttend LC  C ma ·  ring 111  nursing, then tran  lcr to  ·r

  lacqualene  ere a Dobbin
  \ugu  t  I,  1990                                                                          I
  \cti  iti •s:  J1  o;aw  Puzzl •  lub ( 12).
  'High school made me under  tanu that school i  ver  important."
  I·utur  Plan  :   ttend coli  ge and  nter a good career.

                       President (9). FCCL  (  hairman of membership) ( ll ).
  "High  chool made me thmk better of myself and take pride in my intelligence."
   uture Plans·   tt ·nd the  rt  Institute of Miami.
  Hillery  Meaghen Duperly
  July20,19  0
   <:~vjti  s·  J   h  erleading (I 0), Varsity  Cheerleading ( ll-12), Yearbook  taft ( 12), Leadership ( 12).
  Girl   eight lifting ( 12). Homecoming Representative ( 12). Indian Mentor ( 12).
  "W1tht ut high school l wouldn't have learned half the lessons I have learned or had as many experiences
  I have had."                                                                               E
  Future Plans:  Attend SF   for two years then transfer to a univer  ity for a degree in elementary educa-
  tion and business. Pos. 1bly  open a day care.

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