Page 222 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 222
\shley halane Haire
ovember 19, 19 9
cth: it e. : nity Dance Team (Lt. I 0- II )(9-11 ).
"High school prepared me better for my future. It also allowed me to be more open ."
Future Plans: ttend college to become a pre-school and elementary teacher.
mber K<Hhleen Harrell
eptember 19, 19 9
cttvitie : HO (9-10), FCA. (9-12), T•BL (Treasurer) (9), H (President 12) (912). JV Cheerkad-
ing ( aptam I 0) (9- 1 0). J OLcer (9), ar 1ty oft ball ( aptam 12) (9-12), Ann Rumph Honoree
(9-12). tate Histof) Fair (9-1 0). Burnett Honors College urn mer Institute (I 0). BET ( 11-12), 1u
lpha Theta (11-12). Leader hip ( 11 - 12). tudent Body ec.retary ( 11 - 12), arsit heerle dm (Captain
"High school ha set the foundation for the rest of my life. My teachers have prepared me forth road
ahead and have equipped me with the tool I will need to succeed."
Future Plans: Attend a state universt1y for pre-medical track. medical school and specialize in orthop -
dies or pediatrics.
Robert Lee Hartley
Activities. Varsity Football (9-12). We1ghtlifting (9-12), f'F (9-12), FC ( 10-12), Track (I 0-12), Wre -
tling (11-12). HaiT} Potter Club ( 12)
"High chool impacted my life a pretty good bit. It helpl:d me to grow up and tlouri h in life."
Future Plan : Play college football. get my :-.1BA and go to Ia"" chool.
Emely han tell Ha\ iara
Febuaf) 22, 1990
Activities: JV occer ( 10). Varsity occer (11-12), HO A ( 10-12).
"Being that I have only been m Fort White for two and a half years overall, high school has shown me
what it is I have to do to be successful m life."
Future Plans: To attend UCF and further my medical studies in their ncv. m dical school.
Andre"" Roy Herrick
Januaf) 12. 1990
Acti\ 1t1e f (9). JV Soccer (9). H (I 0-12), Mu lpha Th ta (I 0 · 12), ( phmor lass Pre ident
Var It} occcr ( 10-12). BET (President 12)(11-12), ross ountry ( 11-12), mor lass Vice Presi-
"I had orne of th be t time ith some of the greatest people, but no\\ I am pr pared t take on bigger
Future Plans: Obtain a degree in eronaut1cal Engineering and come an officer in the avy.
Haley Rae Houston
May 14, 1990
ctivities HO A ( gt. at Arms II)( I 0-12). Homecoming repre entative ( 12).
"High schoolimpac.ted my life in a big way ot only did I find out wh m true fri no are, I al o
gained the courage to further educate myself."
Future Plan : ttend FCC for two year transfer to CF and become a denti t
Dustm Ryan Howard
June 16. 1990
Activitie. : H (9-12), Mu Alpha Theta (11-12), BETA (12).
Future Plans: Attend F and get a degree in architectural engineering, continue bowling and go pro.