Page 224 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 224

Lind~a)  aitlin  1ikell
                   October IJ, 19X9
                    cti,itie.: J  AFJROT  Colorguard (9).  ar it) Af·JROT  Colorguard ( 10), Yearbook  taft  ( 12).
                   "I would not b ·the per  on I am toda.  if I had not met the people and made the friends I h.rve.  ben
                   though high school is  main!) about academic  .  ports. and clubs I \till think your peers are the most
                   Future Plan.: Move bad: to  pnng Hill and attend  ommunity College. Poss1bly  attend the  rt  Institute
                   for  ulinar)  rts and move some place in  the  ew  England area.

                   Matthew  Joseph  1ilatz
                   \pnl 30.  19.'9
                    ctiv1tie  J  Basketball (9-1 0) J  Baseball (9-1 0) Pray Then Play  Ba..,ketball ( 11-12),  ar 11  Ba k'  t-
                   ball (  aptam  12) ( 11-12). Harr)  Potter  lub ( 12), Indian  1entor ( 12 ).
                   "High  chool helped me make memories I'll ghe up or forget.''
                   Future Plans:  ttend  FCC get a degree in  real e  tate and bu  iness.

                    dreana  olan
                    ugust 30.  19H9
                   Activities.  Marching Band (9-11 ).
                   ··1  learned many thing  this year. I learned to adapt to new things becauase they  prepare m  for   lleg  . I
                   am going to miss high  chool; I'm not read)  for it  to end )Ct."
                   Future Plan..,:  Become a firefighter.

                   Tabitha Renee Odom
                   March 2.  19  '9
                    cti  itie. : J   oft ball (9-11 ).  HO   (Vice Pre..,ident  II )(9-12).
                   "High school made me a  tronger per on and made me who I am."
                   Future Plans:  ttend college and become an  x-ray tech and po. sibly a teacher.

                   Justin Corbet 0\teen
                   Decmeber 9,  19H9
                   Acti  itie: FBL  (9).  HS (9-I2).  Lnbbler  (11-12).
                   "High  chool ga\ie me  omethmg to do during the day."
                   Future Plan..,:  Professional alligator wrestler, Ice  culptor, retire at t   nt  four after marrying into ro  -

                    riel  Dawn Pam  II
                   October 9.  19  9
                   Activities. HO  A (9-12), F  A (9},  HS ( 10-12), BETA (10-12)  Mu  lpha Theta (11-12),Jumor Class
                   Treasurer.  tudent B  d  Treasurer ( 12).
                   "High school gave me the opportunity to fine  tune my goal  and disco,er that giving up is not an op-
                   Future Plans: Attend college and medical school to become a pediatncaan.
                   Jennifer Pere1
                   June 23,  19H9
                    ctivities:  pan ish  lub ( 12).
                   "High  chool made me realize that school and my education is really important. It i  for my b  st intere. t,
                   it made me a better per ·on, and it  was the best years of my life."
                   Future Plans: Possibly go into the  rmy and attend college to study radiology.

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