Page 226 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 226
Lltzaheth Ashley Weddle
O\Cmber26, 19 9
.\ctivitic\ H (9-12). FFA (9}, ar II) occcr (Captain 11 12)(9 12). Tracl\ (9-12). JV heerlcadm
( 10), Jumor las Officer, whhlcrs (II), Leader hip (II). HO \ ( 11-12), Var tiy Cheerleading ( 11-12),
B ·TA(I2).
"I disco\ered what I tand for and what I want to accomplish and do with my life."
Future Plans: Attend medical school, join the Peace Core after college, and worl\ for the sen ice or a
Eric\' illiams
May 2. 1990
ctivities: Harry Potter Club ( 12).
"I figured out school i the \\a} to mak.e your life better."
Future Plans: ttend mechanical school.
Cattlyn Joan \\ tl on
pril 17, 1990
ctivittes: JV hecrleading (9-1 0), 110 A (9-1 0}, FCA (9-1 0), H (Ytce President 12)( I 0-12}. BE"!
( 11-12), Varstty heerleading ( aptam 12)( 11-12), Homecommg Representative ( 12).
"High school made me realize how I want to be as a person. lt helped me build my character and Ill)
Future Plans: ttend FC for two )Car then transfer to F.