Page 115 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 115

Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams

              I  worked  at  the  Seminole  Pharmacy  a  long  time  and  loved  every  minute  of  it.  As  I  grew  older,  I
              became  the  one to  send the new  employees  all over town  looking for sky hooks and things. And they

              always took the joke in as good nature as I had.
                      Of  course  all  this  happened  a  long  time  ago  and  all  those  stores  have  long  since  changed

              ownership  or  closed  but  the  happy  memory  is  still  vividly  within  me  about  the  day  my  little  legs
              took me all over the Lake City of my youth, looking for sky hooks and such.

                                     Lake City’s Bay a Avenue

                                                    February 8,1994

                     Baya  Avenue  was  named  after  Joseph  Baya,  one  of  a  group  of  men  in  Lake  City  who  gave

              112 acres of land to establish the Florida Agriculture College in Lake City - where the V. A. Hospital
              is  now  located  The  college  was  later  moved  to  Gainesville,  in  1904,  and  consolidated  with  the
              state-funded  East  Florida  Seminary  to  become  the  University  of  Florida.  Recently,  Joseph  Baya’s

              nephew,  93  year  old  Miami  attorney,  George  J.  “Duke”  Baya,  bequeathed  $500,000  to  establish  a
              perpetual  endowment  to  support  outstanding  teaching  and  research  at  the  University  of  Florida

              College  of  Law.  The  “Baya  Fund”  will  establish  an  eminent  scholar  chair  or  professorship,  maybe
              both,  using  matching  state  funds.  “Duke”  Baya  graduated  from  the  University  of  Florida  Law  School

              in  1925  and  has  long  espoused  the  idea  that  private  money  should  supplement  public  money  in
              support of public education.

                     A  B-AAA-D  CRIME  ...  A  goat  at  our  kindergarten  center  zoo  recently  lifted  a  two-way
              radio  from  the  back  pocket  of  an  employee  and  chewed  the  antenna,  causing  $14  damage.  The

              humorously  written  report  described  the  incident  this  way,  “The  goat  immediately  left  the  scene  of
              the  crime  and  had  to  be  found.  Officials  investigated  and  decided  not  to  file  charges  against  the

              animal.  But  further  investigation  revealed  the  goat  had  a  prior  criminal  record.  While  with  his
              former  owner,  the  goat  chewed  a  rope  he  had  been  tied  with,  escaped  and  then  ate  thirty-five  dollars
              worth of turnips and other vegetables.”

                     Even  with  this  criminal  record,  the  goat  is  a  great  favorite  among  the  kindergarten  children

              and  has  been  a  model  animal  at  the  school.  Therefore,  the  goat  will  be  placed  on  probation  and  kept
              under surveillance to prevent further violations. Noooo kiiid-ding!


               LCH-UUID: CD05D759-5273-4705-A6D7-381FCF749098
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