Page 112 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 112

Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams

                     PLAY  WITH  YOUR  HEART...  Local  physician  Ricardo  Bedoya  is  one  the  “fathers”  of
              soccer in Lake City. Although he is a busy radiologist, he took the time several years ago to organize

              some  of  the first  soccer  teams  here, and  he  taught  the sport  to  many  kids  who  had never  even  heard
              of  soccer.  A  compassionate  and  philosophical  man,  he  told  his  young  players,  “Play  the  game  with

              your  muscles,  your  mind  and  your  heart.  Play  as  a  team.  An  individual  can  do  so  much  but  a  team
              can perform a miracle.”

                     His  young  players  grew  up to compile the best  winning record a CHS team  had ever had. At
              the  players’  final  banquet,  they  remembered  their  first  coach  with  a  beautiful  plaque  and  a  standing

              ovation.  Dr.  Bedoya,  a  native  of  Bogota,  Colombia,  remembers  that  ovation  as  one  of  the  happiest
              moments of his life.

                      DAVID  “SOMEBODY”...  David  is  a  black  man  who  regularly  wades  the  shallow  shores
              of Lake Isabella picking up trash, broken glass and other litter,  and putting it in trash cans. He is not

              paid to do this and nobody told him to do it. He just does it to beautify the area. He said, “I just like
              to see our little lake and park look pretty so I try to do my part to keep it looking good.” When asked

              his last name, David said, “Oh, I’m just somebody who likes to help.”
                      A  small  correction:  David,  you  are  not  “just  somebody.”  You  are  somebody  really  special

              and we could all learn a lot from your example.
                      FIRST THINGS FIRST_______ Geneva McLaren was the first secretary of Parkview Baptist
              Church  and  she  holds  a  remarkable  distinction:  she  was  hired  before  the  first  minister  was  selected.

              Geneva  was  the  perfect  choice  for  her  job  and  she  stayed  with  the  church  for  23  years  to  oversee  its
              early  growth.  Now  the  church  has  nearly  1,200  members  and  a  beautiful  building  complex.  But

              back in 1954, there was just a small band of worshipers meeting in the old VFW building across First
               Street  from  the  fire  department  on  what  is  now  the  front  lawn  of  NationsBank.  E.  L.  Mixon  was

              their  first  minister.  Geneva McLaren  was  there back  then to  be an  important  part  of  that early growth
               and she is still the longest serving employee the church has ever had.


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