Page 159 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 159

Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams

                photo of his elementary class taught by Selina Terry. Your help is a great encouragement!
                      CLOSING JOKE ... Did you hear about the dyslexic atheist? He didn’t believe in dog!

                                           The First CHS Band

                                                     September 6,1994

                     Have  you  ever  wondered  when  the  first  Columbia  High  School  band  was  organized?  Read  this

                column  and  you  will  know  the  whole  story,  thanks  to  Albert  E.  Bonney  (CHS  1940)  who  played  in
                that original band and was kind enough to tell me the story so I can tell you.

                     The  first  CHS  band  started  in  the  school  year  of  1937-38  under  band  director  Carl  Roberts.
               Up until 1937, the City of Lake City had the only band in town, a town band. The town band played

               weekly  concerts  in  the  bandstand  at  Olustee  Park  and  on  special  occasions,  like  parades.  For  some
               reason,  our  town  band  disbanded  in  1937,  and  generously  turned  over  their  instruments  and  uniforms

               (blue uniforms and caps ) to CHS, then located on West Duval Street.
                     CHS  was  thrilled  to  get  the  uniforms  and  equipment  and  equally  thrilled  that  they  could  get

               a  master  musician  like  Carl  Roberts  to  organize  their  school  band.  But,  an  immediate  problem  arose:
               there was no place for the band to practice on campus that wouldn’t disturb the other students.
                     Thus,  the  young  band  students  began  an  odyssey  that  would  carry  them  to  three  different

               locations  before  they  would  finally  find  a  permanent  band  hall.  First,  they  were  loaned  an  upstairs
               room  in  the  building  on  North  Marion  Street  now  occupied  by  the  Lovely  Shop.  But  in  a  short  time

               the  owner  needed  his  space  back,  so  the  band  moved  to  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  building  on
               West Nassau Street for their daily practice.

                    That  didn’t  last  long  either  because  the  students  needed  to  be  located  at  their  school  so  they
               could  be closer  to  their  classes.  So, the  band  moved to  the old  ‘Svhite brick building”  on West Duval
               Street  and  used  the  southwest  comer  room  on  the  first  floor.  Some  readers  will  remember  that  room

               was just west of the room used by choral music teacher Ann Wilby.
                    You  guessed  it!  The  band  practices  were  too  loud  for  the  other  classes  in  the  white  brick

               building  and  the  old  yellow  wood  building.  So,  the  band  parents,  fed  up  with  all  the  moving  and


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