Page 154 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 154
Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams
donating their collections of CHS Tiger newspapers and to Joyce Ogden for helping laminate them.
.. To Laverne Brannon for donating a photo of the city block where Hurst’s Hole in the Wall used
to be... To Keaton’s for helping frame the photos of several school superintendents at no charge...To
J. L. Markham for donating a copy of a photo of Mrs. Fannie Huntley’s sixth grade class of 1938,
showing such people as Bennie Kinard, Wes Hancock, Myrtice Segars, Gwen Goodbread, Nadine
Kinard, Jimmy English, and others when they were kids. A note on the photo says, “Mrs. Fannie
Smitherson Huntly, wife of Judge Huntly, was the teacher of this sixth grade class. Her classroom
was located in the white twin building southwest of the red CHS building. When Mrs. Huntley
became ill, Gertrude Hooser (wife of CHS coach Hobe Hooser) became the teacher.” Thanks to all
of you for your generous donations.
Some Firsts for Lake City
August 16,1994
WAY BACK WHEN . . . Here is a sampling of some things that were going on in our
community “way back when” — mainly in the late 1800s.
FIRST BRICK BUILDING ... Lake City’s first brick store was built in 1876 on North
Marion Street and was known as the Bigelow Building. The building was later owned by Norman
P. Robinson. Still later it housed Bennett’s Drug Store, then Russ Davis’ Drug Store, then various
other businesses. It now houses Ann Connor’s Optical Store ... The first brick home was built in
1880-81. It was the residence of George Mark Cline and was located north of the railroad tracks,
approximately north of the original city water tank. The home was later occupied by the O. O.
Barfield family.
RELIGION... The Rev. H. B. McCallum started publishing “The Southern Baptist” in Lake
City in 1873. This publication later became “The Florida Baptist Witness,” the official organ of
Florida Baptists ... The Florida State Board of Missions was organized in Lake City at the Baptist
Convention in 1881.
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