Page 91 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 91

Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams

                      A  running  start...  Lt.  Colonel  Lemuel  Thomas  and  Sgt.  Roscoe  Mansfield  started  the  first

               Junior  ROTC  program  at  CHS  some  twenty  years  ago.  They  did  such  a  successful  job  of  motivating
               student  interest  in  JROTC  that  two-hundred  fifty-four  students,  including  thirty-seven  girls,  enrolled

                      Calling  Dr.  Burns  ...  Matthew  Lynwood  bums  (CHS,  1953)  played  quarterback  two  years

               for  Louisiana  State  University’s  football  team.  He  was  also  a  standout  student.  When  he  graduated
               from  LSU,  the  New  Orleans  Quarterback  Club  honored  him  for  having  the  highest  grades  on  the

               football team during his time at LSU. Matt is now a heart surgeon in Atlanta.
                      “Cool  Hand”  Levy...  Alfonso  Levy  is  always  gracious  and  humorous,  even  under  pressure;

               make  that  ‘especially’  under  pressure.  I  saw  this  several  years  ago  when  Alfonso  was  rushed  to  the
              hospital  with  chest  pains.  We  are  fidends  so  I  rushed  to  the  hospital  to  be  near  him.  As  they  rolled

              his  stretcher  by  me  on  the  way  to  the  emergency  room,  Al  reached  out,  touched  my  hand,  winked,
              and  said,  “Morris  Williams,  thank  you  for  being  here.  You  are  almost  too  good  to  be  white!”  This

              coming  weekend,  the  LCCC  will  officially  name  its  arts  center  “The  Alfonso  Levy  Performing  Arts

                          The Swami Was Correct On This One

                                                     October 19,1993

                      Happy  birthday  to  an  angel...Wanda  Bond  was  an  angel  of  a  secretary  at  Lake  City  Junior

              High  School  for  25  years,  from  1959  until  her  retirement  in  1984.  If  there  are  front  row  seats  in
              Heaven,  Wanda  Bond  will  be  in  the  first  pew.  TV  sportscaster  Pat  Summerall  once  taught  at  the

              school  and  he  appreciated  her  so  much  he  once  left  a  TV  event  early  to  attend  her  retirement  party.
              Wanda  and  her  family  will  celebrate  her  birthday,  October  20.  If  you  were  one  of  her  students  or

              faculty, give her a congratulations call on that special day.
                      Something  in  common—What  do  all  these  distinguished  Columbia  County  citizens  have

              in  common?  W.  W.  Douberly,  J.  H.  Melton,  Horace  J.  Witt,  P.  M.  Sandlin,  Robert  F.  Bedenbaugh,
              James R. Tison, Clifton Little, Robert Hancock, Robert Capell, J. B. Hunter, Rodney Dicks, James


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