Page 84 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 84

11 19 ~OS.50K~ 1s 11


                                                          ·,  \.o.·  JC)J-.

                                  I IE  ha  ehall  team  ot  I q I- 1  a  ''Inner.  The  bo~  up  to  date  ha\ e  not  on I~
                                   proven  them ... eh e"  'hamp1on  of  Florida.  hut  h:n e  made  plendid  core
                                   .t:!ain  t  -.on·e of  the  best  team  in  ( ;eorgia.  di, idinl!  a  t\\ o-game  ene  ,,·ith
                                   \Itrrer  l ' niH·r  it~.  who   hortl~  .tfter  won  from  \lacon  in  the  :outh
                                     tl.ltltic  League,  '' hid1  team  defeated   tlanta  in  the  :outhern  League,
                       then  our  ho~  held  the  lnrd  hitting  lndianapoli  team  champion  of  the  Federal  League
                       dm\ n  o  the  score-..  I~  I+  and  h-0,  ,,·hirh  io.;  domg  remarkabl~  ''ell  for  a  college  team.
                       In  addition  to  thi:-.  ,,.e  ''on  a  four-game  erie"  trom  Kee\\ atin   eadem~  ( ,,·ho  romped
                       on  the  l ' niversit\  of  Florida  four  straight  game:)  b~  the  -;core  of  7-0.  <)-(>,  12-3.  +-3.

                          To  'oarh  ,·am"  the  team  0\\ e"  it ·  remarkable  ULTe  ,  he  de  erve  much  credit,
                       lwcau  e  d  hi  untmng  effort  and  the  intere ·t  he  put  1n  h1"  team,  and  the  intere  t  he
                       took  in  hi  helmed  "\\Tar  Bag."
                          ''Jimmie"  Bartle}.  our  star  hack  top,  i  certain!}  there  ,,·ith  the  true  peg,  and
                       tho  e  '' ho  attempt  to  "pilfer"  a  ha-.r  on  him  arc  u · uall~  kind!~  reque  ted  by  Hi  Renal
                         ib  .  the  "LT mp  "  to  take  .1  eat  on  the  bench,  a  a  re\\'ard  for  hi  effort  .  hi.  line  of
                       chatter i.  terror to  the  oppo  ing bat  man.  Jimmie  i..,  a  good  hitter and  1-;  death  to  hunt:
                       .tnd  high  foul  .

                          ") otl  can't  hit  \\hat  ~ ou  ran 't  ee."  that'  what  an  oppo  ing  um torm  a\  after  the
                       attempt  to  co nne ·t  \\ i th  th rre  of  \I 1L k   peed)  one  a  he  lowly  goe  to  get  a  drink
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89