Page 116 - chs-1969
P. 116

                            Club  Promotes  Job  Acceptance.

                        The  Oiversiflt•d  ooperative Training and  Distributive  Education  Club  is  ac-
                      tive  in  the  field  of job  training.  The  sponsors,  \lr.  Melton  and  '\lr.  \Villiams,
                      encourage them ·mbers in public relations and job opportunities.
                        In  the  1   -69  school  year,  the  0  'T-OE  club  has  been  more  active  than
                      ever. They prepared a booth at the  olumhia Count~ Fair, sponsored a Chri  tmas
                      program for  ;t  group of un(k•rprivilcged children, built floats  f(>r  both the  Home-
                      coming  and  hristmas  parades,  and  sponsored  Stational)  sales  and  the  enior
                      Ke)  sales.

          Bottom  row,  left  to  right:  hirley  Evans,  Recording   cretary;  Betty  Futch,  Secretary;  Walt  Taylor,  President;  Elaine
          Ritch,  Assistant  Treasurer;  Debbie Taylor, Treasurer.  Top row:  Bill  McCormick,  Chaplain;  Joel  McEndree,  Vice-president;
          J.  C. Crews, Sergeant-at-Arms.

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