Page 160 - chs-1969
P. 160

Senior  Directory

         CL  S COLORS: Blue and Gold                         CLA 'S  I• LOWER: Dais}

         CL      O~G:  ounds of  ilence                      CL  S  MOTTO:  When  duty  whis-
                                                             pers  low,  "Thy  must,"  the  youth  re-
           Sounds of  ilence                                 plies, "I can."
         Hello, Darknc ·s, my old friend,
                                                              People writing songs
         fve come to talk with you again;
                                                                That voices
         Because a vision'· softly creeping,
                                                                 ever share
         Left it  seed while I was  lceping,
                                                                No one dare
          nd the vision
                                                                Disturb the sounds of silence
           That was planted
                                                              "Fools," said I, "you do not know
           In my brain,
                                                              Silence, like a cancer grows.
           Still remains                                      llear  my  words  that  I  might  teach
           Within the sounds of silence.
         In restless dreams I walked alone,
                                                              Take my arms that I might reach you
         ,  arrow streets of cobblestone.
                                                              But my words
         And 'neath the halo of a streetlamp
                                                                Like silent
         I  turned  my  collar  to  the  cold  and
         \Vhen my eyes were stabbed
                                                                And echoed in wells of silence.
           By the flash
                                                              Ami the people bowed and prayed
           Of a neon light-
                                                              To the neon god they'd made
           It split the night
                                                              And the sign flashed out its warning
           And touched the sounds of silence
                                                              In the words that it was forming;
         And in the rwked light I saw
                                                              Ami the sign  aid,
         Ten thousand people mliybe more
                                                                "The words of the prophet
         People talking without speaking
                                                                Arc written on the subway walLs·
         People hearing without listening
                                                                And tenement halls,"
                                                                Whispered the sotm(ls of silence.
                    ELMER BE  JAM I  ALLE  , JR.
          "Arul  eem a saint, wlu·n most  I play tlu• clt-vil."
                                                                            FAYE ELAI  E BEACH
                   WILL  RD EDWARD ALLE  , JR.                "Talk  she  can,  talk  she  will,  her  tongue  is  vny  seldom
          "El)(;~thing i.$  Jtmny  as  long as  it  is  lulJIJ)('ning  to someone   still."
          else.                                               Annual  tafT 4,  enior  Editor;  F.H.A.  1,  2,  3, 4,  Vwe-presi-
          Top  10i  Fre~hman Placement  Test,  Baseball  2;  Beta  Club   dent  of  Degrees  2,  President  3,  4,  Sweetheart  4;  4-H  1,
          3,4                                                 2,  3,  4,  4-H  County  Council  1,  2,  3,  4,  Council  Delegate
                                                              1, 3, County Council President 2, 4, State Historian 4
                    DA    Y CHARLES A  DEHSO
          "A  man  makes  no  noise  over  a  good  deed,  but  passes   CHARLOTTE A   BEDE  BAUGII
          on to anotlu-r."                                    "A little work, a little play."
          Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  Basketball  1;  wimmmg  1,  2,  panish   Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3;  Girl  'couts  1,  2,  3,  4;  Amerimn  Field
          Club 1, 2;  B<L\eball  1, 2, 4; Transfer 4          S  rvic:e  4,  V.O.E.  4,  Reporter  4;  Tiger  Staff 4,  B<•ta  Club
                      SARAH  ELLE  A  DEHSO
          "A  little  work  never  hurt  anyone,  but  why  be  the  first   FHA '\K PH  kE'-.S IH-:DE'\B\  Gil, JH.
          one ...                                              ''J'o be II  tt-c-/1 fili.;Ori'Cflllllll  il II  gift of jtlrllllll', "
          Tri-Hi-Y 1; Tigerettes 4                            Top  10'•  Fn•,hman  l'·nl('lll  T(·\l,  Football  :2,  >  I,  1\.('\
                                                               Club  2,  '3,  -t,  BPta  Clnh  ;3,  -t,  '\atwnal  llonor  Sout"ty
                      E~tORY LAVER  E BAILEY                   3,  t; Ch(''' ( :Juh -t
          "Every sincere num is right."
          F.F.A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, Treasurer 4;  4-H  1
                                                                        MICHAELJAMESBEDE  'BAUGH
                      HOBERT EDWARD BAILEY                     "I go to school to cut tile fool."
          "Disposition is  the foundation of happiness."
           tudent Council 1, F.F.A. 2                                       SUSA  EILEE  Bl  KEL
                                                               "And tluore  is  mischief in those eye.s.
                        A  NA  LEE BALLARD                     D. E. Club 4
          "  ever serious, often gay, a grand old sport in every way."
          Tramfer 4                                                          KATHY  JA  E BISHOP
                                                               "So quiet  he seems until tile teacher leaves the room."
                       RODNEY CRAIG BARTO
           "The less of routzne, the mon  of life."            Top  20i  Freshman  Placement  Test;  Para-~tedical  Club  2,
          Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Track 4                         3, 4, Treasurer 4
                                                                        EDWARD R  SSELL BLACKMO
                         ~tARY LEE BATTLE
           "Spn·ch is  siloi'T, silence  is golden."           "lie takes things as they come.
           D.E. Club4                                          D.E.  lub4
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