Page 163 - chs-1969
P. 163

TERHY WAY  E DEKLE                     I,  2,  3,  4;  D.E.  Club  3;  Track  4;  Top  20~  Freshman
      "Reason i.\ not mc•asured by sizl' or ll!'ight but by princil>le."   Placement Test
       'tudent  Council  2;  Football  1,  3,  Vice  President  of Soph .
      omore Class 2                                                     SIIELT0'\1 BYRD FEAGLE
                                                           "Ld the world roll along, I'll gd thnc  later."
                  DEBOHAII  H  Til DE  IIA\1
      "She's  a  honey  without  a  doul>t,  nc'lA'r  known  to  frown    BILL\ JOE FO\\LEH
      or pout."                                            "Calmly and pc·accjully /u  treads lifc·\ u:ay."
      Para-:\ledical Club 2
                                                                      CLIFFOHD LA:'I::\Y F  LFOHD
                                                           "Let the u:orld slide."
                   :\IARY KATHHY  DEVA  E
                     "MOST \' FRSATILF"                                   BETfY LEE F  TCI I
      "If laughter prolonged life  ... she would live fore  l.ier."   "It'.\  nice to be important, hut it\ important to be nice."
      Band  1,  2,  3,  4;  Tri-IIi-Y  1,  2,  3,  Chaplain  3,  l\lajorNt<•   F.II.A.  1;  D.C.T. Club 4,  'ecretary 4
      1,  2,  3,  4,  llead  Majorette  3,  4;  Girl  couts  1,  2,  3,  4;
      Prom  Floor  Show  1;  Page  at  Graduation  3;  F.F.A.  Swt•t•t-     BILLY F  TCII
      heart  4;   sher  at  Senior  Play  4;  Annual  Representatin•   "A friendly i.\ he."
      4; F.T.  . 4; Sr.  leering Committe<• 4
                                                                   l\IARC   L  F  YETTE GIDDE:'I:S, JH.
                     DO   LD RAY  DICK                     " 'lc-ep first,  then study "
      "A good natured-boy is  welcome in any company."     Latm  Club  1;  F.F.A.  2,  3;  Cooperation  Edut·,ttion  Club
      D.E. Club4
                    ROBEHT RA  DY DICK .                              PETER WE\. DELL GIEBEIC
      "It's  not  not  that  I  locc  study  le.H,  but  tlwt  I  love  fun   ''.\lOST I'OI'U LAR"
      nwre."                                               "Full  of fun  and  mischief,  ask  his  teachers  and  you  will
      Football; F.F.A.                                     see."'
                                                           Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  B<Lsl...etball  1,  2,  4;  Secretary  of Class
                     PE  CER LEE DICKS                     2;  Vice  President  of  Class  3;  Tre<NJrer  of  Class  1,  Vice
      "Worry killed a man, why worry?"                     Prestdent of Class 4
                  THEL:\1  REE DURHE  CE                               HTII  H \!Ol'<HOE GILBERT
      "\/cry quilt, very sweet, a k_iruler gzr/ you'll ncl)(•r meet."   "Sleep first, study later"
      Glee Club 1;  F.H.A.  1, 3, L1brary 3, 4
                                                                        )A  ELIZABETH GHAY
                                                           "She is  nice by rwme and nature."
                     HEHl\IA  DYAL, JR.                    Student  Council  1;  Annual  Staff  1;  Bible  Club  I;  Pt•p
                      "FRI E  DLI FST"                     Club 2, 4
      "lie looks quite safe and sound, but .10 does gun powder."
      Freshman   lass  President;  'ophomore  CI<Lss  President;       CO    IE DE  ISE CHEE
      Junior  Class  Vice  President;  'elllor  Class  President;  Foot-  "There is charm u;ithin the singing of hc r r.;oic<  "
      b.'lll  1,  2,  3,  4;  Basketball  1,  2;  Key  Club  3,  4,  President
      4;  Beta  Club 3, 4;  Student Council  1,  2,  3, Officer- t-Large   D  VID  TEPHE  'CREE  .
                                                           "\Vhy wornJ?  \~'o rry n<·vc•r r1wde  men great."
                                                           Top 1& Freshmen Placement Test; Key Club 3
                    Ll  DA JOA   DY AL
      "  oru• but herself can be her pamlld."                            'HAR0\1 A  ,  GHEE:\
      Tn  lli -Y 1, 2, Top 2<Yl  Freshman Placement Test
                                                           "  <·ver say more than nc·cc·Hary."
                                                          Student  ouncii1;Tri-lli-Y I,2,3,1listorian2
                 RO   IE KEITH  EDE  FIELD
      "/lis persorwlity and humor willnwke him many friends."          Til\1 WALTER HACK  EY
      F.F.A. 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4                      "/lis persorwlity and humor will mak<  him many friends ."
                                                           erver at Prom 1,  D.E. Club 3; D.C.T. Club 4
                    "MOST VERSA TILle"                                 l\1  HY  VIRGI  lA  II  GE
      "Variety's the eery spice of life, tlull gives it all its flaoor."   "A 11um  is  always b<'il<'r than a book "
      Football  1,  2,  3,  4,  Basketball  I,  2,  3,  4;  Baseball  I,   Girl   couts  I,  2,  3,  4,  F.H.A.  I;  \'.O.E.  4,  't•cretary  4,
      2, 3,  ecretary of Class 2                          Annual  Repre~t·ntative 4, Tigt•r Staff,  Bus mess  \lanag<'r
                   SHIRLEY R  Til EVA,  S                              ANCY  ELLE  HALBROOK
      "Give the world the best you hal)(•."               "  othing is impossible to a willing h<'art."
                                                            nnual  Representative  I;  Girls  '<.'Outs  1;  Tri-lli-Y  1,  2,
                JOH  WILLIARD "CHIP" FA  L                3;  Library  Club  4;  tet'ring  Commitlt't'  2,  :\atwnal  llonor
      "I drink to the general joy of the whole table."     ociety  4;  Bt•ta  Club  3,  4;  F.T.A.  3,  4,   nnual   taff  4,
       tudent  Council  2,  4;  Annual  Reprewntative  2;  Del\1olay   Powder-Puff Football 4,  American Field  '<'r. Jt't' 4
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