Page 162 - chs-1969
P. 162

JOH '\ \\A Y'\ E COLLI '\S                        STA  LEY ROC:EH DALJCIITR)
         "Say1  litth·, think\ /1  .\.\, a111/ elm .1  rwthi11g at  all "   "A good-rwtur('(/ boy is  WI /corm  in any compa11y"
         F.F.A. 2, 3                                          Chess Club 4
                       LJ  'A'\ I  A BELLE ( 0'\E                           CLARA PE.\RL DA\'I
                      ''.\10.  T SCIIOOI  c.;/'!Rff"'                            "Cl//Sf"'
         'Tou're  only  you11g  onn,  but  if  you  tcork  it  right,  once   "Full  and  frolic  and  gl('('  IITI  t/11  re;  the  u;i/1  to  do  a11cl
         i.\  !'llOU{!,h"                                     the sou/to dare·."
         Tri-III-Y  1,  2,  3,  \'icc  Pn•sidt•nt  3,  Gtrl  Scouts  1,  2,  3,   Annual  Representative  1,  St•rn•r  at  Prom  1,  Tri-111 -Y  1,
         4;  B-Tt•am  Clwerleadt•r  2;  Top  20   Freshman  Placement   2,  3,  Prestdt•nt  1;  llonwroom  Ht•presentatin·  1,  Top  20~
         Te'>t;  F.T.A.  1,  2,  3,  I ltstorian  3;   merican  Fteld  St•rvtet'   Fn•shman  Placenwnt  Tt•st,  Student  Council  lkpn•sentati1 e
         2,  3,  4;  Art  Club  3,  4;  'ational  Honor  Society  3,  4,  Beta   2,  Usher  at  Graduation  2,  B Team  Cheerleader,  Co-Cap-
         Club  3,  4,  Pagt•  at  Bacealaun•att•  2;  Calendar  Girl  2,   n-  tain  2,  Beta  Club 3,  4,  ational  llonor Society 4;   nwncan
         nual   t,11T  4,  Busint'S'>  ~tanager  4;  Powder-Puff  Football   Fit•ld Servin• 4;  llomt·<.~>mtng  ttt•ndent 4
                                                                           JA~IES  RTII  R DA \'IS
                    ~IICHAEL ALAI\  CO,   OLLY                "To worry little, to study Ins, i.1  my idea of lwppint·ss."
         "Art cxpcrlr\ art  expert only as lo11g  111  he gun\e.\ right."   Track 1, 2; F.F.   1, 2, 3, D.E. 4
         Basketball  1,  2;  Football  1,  2,  3,  4,  Track  2, 3,  4,  B<ht'ball   :'IIICH  EL \  ER'\0'\ DAVIS
         4,  'tudt•nt Council4; Basketball Intramurals 3, 4
                                                                             "BFST LOOK/.\'G"
                                                              "All  great  llll'll  arc•  d('(ld,  llllli  I'm  not  feeling  too  wdl
                  LAWRENCE EDWJ ,  CRAWFORD                   Illy\(' If. "
         "Afriuully lad is  he."                              Student Council3, 4;  Beta Club 3, 4;  Football 2, 4
         Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3, 4;  Band 1
                                                                            ' HARO:'\ DIA'\E DAVIS
                     ROGER W  Y:'\E CREA\IER                  "\\'hen  she  H'£'.\  a  man  Ill  u:oe,  she  walk1  right  up  and
                      ... \10  T 1.\'Tl LLLCH AL"
                                                              says, 'llc/lo'."
         "A mixtrm  of k11ow/edge and good humor"
         Top  1   Freshman  Placement  Test,  Key  Club  2,  3,  4;        TEPHE  LEWIS DA  1 '
           ational  Honor  ociety  3,  4;  Beta  Club  3,  4;  Chemtstry   "A1 good-natured a soul as 'ere trod on shoe of leather."
         Award  3;   hess  Club  4,  Woodnwn  of  the  World  Award
         for   mt•rican  Htstory  3;   l~ebra  II  A11;1Td  3,  Recognition   \1.\RTII  JO DEA
         by  Florida   lumni  Association  3,  Scit•nce  Club  4;  Top     .. \lOS I  DEl'/ \[), \BU'"
          10i  enior Placement Test                           "/'he fates  to  this  /an  hau·  !wen  kr11d:  beauty,  tt:rl,  IJI'sicln
                                                              11  hrillianl mi11cl."
                       J. C. EDWARD CREWS                     Cia"  Treasurer  1,  Class   rght  Usht'r  1;  Tri-llt  't  2,  :3,
          "Calmly arul pt•acljully he tread.\  lifi '1  tcay."   Prt'sidt'nt  2,  St•crt'tarv  3,  Top  10~  Fre.,hman  Plau•mt•nt
         F.F.A. 2, 3, F.C.T. 4                                Tt•st;  Beta Club 3, -t,  \  it'l'  Pn•stdt'nt -t;  CirJ.,  Tt'lllti'>  Tt•anl 3,
                                                              •t;  D.A.H.  C<xxl  Cittzt•n  4,  Powdt•r-PufT  Football  4;  Annual
                       GORDO'\ W  Y'\E COX                    Rl'prt•st•ntatiw  2,  3,  '\ational  llonor  Socit'ty  2,  3,  Library
          "School\ o.k  wlwn there's nothing dw to do."       Club  4;  Top  1(  •  St•mor  Plact•mt•nt  Tl'-,t,  Class  St•crt•tary
                                                              4,  Sr.  Cla'>s  Play  4,  Basketball  lntermurab  2,  3,  I,  Candi-
                     NOR~IA  DO  CLAS C  \IB                  datt' Girls' Statt' '.1,  Annual Stafl4, Editor-in-Chil'f I
          "1Jap11Y  am  I,  from  care  I'm  frc'£,  \\ hy  aren't  they  all
          contt·nted like me)"                                          HOBERT SIIEH\\OOD DEKLE
          Band  1,  Vice  Prt•sident  of  :'llonung  Devotional  2;  Track   "\\ irw, wmm·r•. a11clwmg get  Ill<  down,  I'll quit s111gi11g."
         3, 4; Futurt' Engineers of America 3, Tramfer 4      F<XItball  1, 2,  D.E. Club 4

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