Page 161 - chs-1969
P. 161

                                                                        ".\lOS J'  IN'J'f; U  I  (  I  U,\1;'
                                                           "Loyal, cle1u ruloble,anclfair, wch a girl i.>  really rare."
                                                           Top  20'l  Frt•  hman  Placernt•nt  Test;  F.II.A.  I;  Girl  St~>uts
                                                           1;  Perft"ct  Attt·ndanct•  2,  llonwroom  lkpresentatin•  2;
                                                           F.T.A.  ·1;  l~·ta  Club  3  4,  St•crt'  t,  Para  \ft-dical  Club
                                                           3;  Poetry  A11.1rd  3;  Tigt·r  Stall  t,  f<:d.tor  t  St·nior Steering
                                                                      SA:'I.DHA  ELLE  (.A\IPBELL
                                                           "She  u;ill  leave  no  little  things  ln·himl,  t·xnpl  loring
                                                           thought\ arul kirulnn.1."
                                                           Perfect  Attendan<.'t'  1;  Para-\kdical  Club  2,  3,  4,  \  1ce
                                                           President  3,  State  Dt•legate  3,  Beta  Club .'3,  ·t;  Girls'  Statt·
                 ES\10  D  EDWAHD BLANTO                   Candidatt•  3,  ~nnual Staff 4,  St nior  Dirt·don:  4;  Powdt·r
                 "\lOST UKILY TO SUCCLED"                  Pull' Football 4                    '
       "13om with the gift called ability."
       Top  10~  Freshman  Plat't'ment  Tt•st;  Student  Council  I,     \1ARY SHARO.  CAHR
       2;  Dt•\lolay  I,  2,  3,  4;  Kt•y  Club  2,  3,  4,  Beta  Club   "She says littlt•,  lmt she thinks quite a lot."
       3,  4,  2nd  Vice-president  3,  Prt'sidt•nt  4,   ational  llonor   Para-Medical  Club  2,  Beta  Club  3,  I;  Library  Club  4;
       Socit•ty 3, 4, Top  10~ Senior Placenwnt Te  t      F.H .. 2
                  E\IOHY LE 'TEH BLA  TO                                III•,LI-  EIJ'\ \  C \ HHOLL
      "Sh . .  I'm thinking!"                              '"/,nl  II  t/w  \1'1'1'1  I  of 11/1  IJ,  IIIIIIJ .  r/11  1'1   i\  110  fwllllllj  t/wt
                                                           i1  altmcfll ,. rcitlw111 ;;nt.
                     KE  ,  ETII BRA   Ei\                 Tn -111 -Y  l ,  ~ •. 3.  1,  \nnual  lkpn·,t·ntall\t'  I;  .-\llllllal  St,tff
      "A qwl'l tongue shows a wise head."                  I,  Adn•rt>sJII~  Edit OJ  1,  ~llll'rll'all  l•'il'ld  St•n JCt'  4,  f .T.A.
      Football 2, 3; Track 3, 4                            2,  :3,  t ;  Cal<·ndar  Cirl  3,  C1rl  Scout'  I,  :2,  :3,  4;  Ptl\\ dt•r -Pulf
                                                           Football  I; 2nd plan• \  olleyl~<~ll  lntJ,llllllr.d, ~
                    \1ARTHA KAY  BREWER
      "Full of laughter,Jull of pep."                                PATRICIA LAVER!\E CAITO
      Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3;  Girl  couts  1,  2,  3,  4;  Art  Club  1;  Ameri-  "Anything worth lutving is worth working for ."
      can  Field  Service  4;  Offit't'  Assistant  3,  4;  Steenng Commit-  Library  Club  2,  3,  F.H.A.  1;  Beta  Cfub  4;  Tiger   tafT
      tee 2, 4, Powder PuffFootball4                       4,   ews  Editor  4;  F.T.A.  4,  Betty  Crod.t•r  Homemaker
                                                            ward 4
                  JOH  Q  I  CY  BOATRIGHT
      "Take life as you find it  but don't leave it so."                S  'A,  BARBHE CEELY
      Transfer 3                                                           "BlST LOOKIVG"
                                                           "Tdl  me  pretty  r1wid1'n,  arc  there  any  mort• at  home  like
                  ELIZABETII  BROW  BO  D                  you?"
                      "MOST POPULAR"                       Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3;  F.T.A.  2,  3, 4,  Vice  President 3,  President
      "Gay pnsonality with added rascality."               4;  Tennis  Team  3,  4;  Top  10~  Frt'shman  Placement  Test;
      Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3;  erver  at  Prom;   shered  at  Class   ight,   Beta  Club  3,  4;   merican  Fidd  erv>ct•  2,  3,  4,  Prom
      B-Team  Cheerleader  2;  Varsity  Chet•rleader  3,  4,  Uslwred   Floor  'how;   nnual  Staff  4,  Copy  Editor  4;   rt  Club
      at  Graduation  3;  F.T.  .  3,  4;  Beta  Club  3,  4,  Girls'  tate   3;  Homewming  Court  Attendant  4;  Basketball  Intramural
      Candidate  3;  Epsilon  Phi  orority  3,  4;  Key  Club  Sweet-  2,  3;  Vollyball  lntramurals  2;  Epsilon  Phi  Sorority  3,  4,
      heart  4,   ational  Honor  Society  3,  4;  Studt•nt  Council   ergeant-at-Arms 4; Powder-Puff Football 4
      4; Anwrican Fi  ld  en·ice 4

                 JOA  ELIZABETII  BRI  SO                            DEBORAH  LOUISE CLE\IE\ITS
      "A. qu.~l'l  way  and  a  friendly  smile  makes  lu r  day  worth-  "Gentle in her manner and fair to look upon."
      while.                                               Art  Club  1,  Para-.\ledical  Club  3,  4,  t•cretary  4;  Beta
      Girl  'muts  1,  2,  3,  4;  Para  \1edical  Club 2,  3, 4;  liJstonan-  Club 4; Bible Club 3
      Reporter 3
                                                                       WILLIA\1  ~10\\1'\ COKEH
                 WILLI  ~I II  \WOOD BROW                  "Tht  only  rwy  to  get  rid  of  It  mptation  is  to  yield  to
      "Teachers don't recognizt  a gt  mu~ when they .\1 '1  II "   it."
      D. E. Club 4, llome<:Oming Escort 4                  F.F.A. 1, 2, 3, 4
                   BARBAR  JEA,  BRYA  T                             JOH   1  LITTLETO~ COLE, JR.
      "She's full of fun with a host of frrnuls "          "Fricndlirll'.\.\ paves the road to succt S.\."
      Bible Club 4                                         Band 1;  De\lolay 1, 2, 3, 4;  F.F.A. 3, 4

                  RO  ALD LEV ON BRY A  T
        .  . And the beat goes on."
      Band 2, 3, 4;  B-Team Baskt•tball3
                  JOSEPH DEWEY B  LLAHD
      "Of all animals the boy is  t/11  most unnwrwgeable."

                  BR  CE TIIO\IA' BLLLOCK
      "Good will makes intelligence."
      Aviation Club 4
                    ICKY  LY   B  R  ETTE
      "Alwoys  laughing,  never sad;  sometimes  rwughty,  but  nevt•r
      Tri-Hi-Y  1;  Girl   couts  1,  2,  3,  4;  Art  Club  3,  4;  Beta
      Club  3,  4;  Tigerette  3;   nnual  tafT  2;  Calendar  Girl  4;
      V.O.E. 4, Treasurer 4
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