Page 164 - chs-1969
P. 164

                                                                            "\fOSf COl Rr1()( S"
                                                              "Can WI'  1·u•r hare too much of a good thi11g)"
                                                              Bast•ball  2,  3,  4;  B;tsketball  2,  3;  J...<·y  Cluh  3,  4,  Sca'Jll'<'
                                                              Club  J,  ~lu Alpha Tlwta ·I   ·
                                                                           ED,  A,  ELL HOLLIDAY
                                                              "Of di.IJI(I.IitiOII  \WI'I'I 1111d  ma11111'r 1111/d."
                                                              Intramuml  Voll<'yball  2;  Pl'rfect  Attt•ndam·<•  2,  V.O.E.  Cluh
                                                                          JEA'\  ETTE H  Til  IIOH'\E
                                                              "Siu  ha.\  11111•  smih• for ct:ery g•rl and two for 1 u  ry  hoy "
                                                              Tn -lh-Y  I,  2;  Annual  Representative  1,  2,  3,  Student
                                                              Councd 3;  Tig<·rl'tte  3,  4,  \IJ,<·d  Chorus 3,  4;  Girls' Chorus
                                                              4,  Pn·o,idl'nt 4

                   \\'ILLIA\1 CLJFT0'-1  IIALE, JR.                      HOBERT WILLIA~I 110\\'ELL
                        "\lOST  \'Ill I  I  I IC"             "\\'hy worry, worry lll't:<'T  IIWth  m<  11  grl'at."
         "A .. .:ery  good  ath/1•11  i1  h1  -  a  l11·tter  .\clwlar  lw  would
         be.                                                                SHIRLEY DI'\  II  LL
         F<x>tball  1, 2, 3, 4;  Baseball 2, 3, 4; Pep Cluh  1   "NI'LI'r to be forgott<  n by thosl' who k11ow  hN."
                       IIAHOLD JILES IIALL                                 EL 'TO  OHI  JACKSO
         "A  man  he  s<·ems  of  cheeiful  yntl'rdays  and  confident   "It is bi'IIN to IJ1  idle than husy about nothing."
         tomorrott,'\,"                                       F.F.A. 2, 3; D. E. Club 4
                         Ll  DA  G  IL IIALL                             HOBEHT EDWARD JEH  IGA
         ".\WililY \mile, II sunny way"                       "lie complete.\ ('(ICh  task with a smil<  "
                                                              Library  Club 4, Astronomy Club 4
                       ~IARTIIA A'-'\  II AHPER
         ",he\  not  too  quid  or  too  1hy,  1he'1  a  friend  that  will   J   E  ~I A HIA JO  E
         111  t:er die ."                                     "Git:l  thcworl~l tlu  best you hat:c."
          ·tud<•nt  Counul  I,  Beta  Cluh  3,  4,  Stat<'  Delegate  3;  An-  Para-\lt><hcal Club 2, D.C.T. 4
         nual  Repr<'s<·ntative  I,  2,  Annual   tafT  4,  F<•atun•s  Editor
         4,  Girl   eouts  I,  2,  3,  4,  Catl'\\ay  Counetl  Secretary  4·   JA~IES HOD.  EY  JOY  EH
           •mor  Pia)'  4;  Prom  Committl'<'  3:  Perft•ct   ttendance  1:   "Take life as you find it but don't h•aLe it so."
                                                                            CALVI  IIAHHIS J  LKS
                      ~lELA  IE A   IIAHPEH                   "Fc~YCi1wling ... effortless . .. wit . .. Mr.  Cool."
         "There's  a  lot  to  be  wid  for  tlw  girl  who  doesn't  say   Band  I,  2.  3,  4;  Student  Council  I;  Music  Club  4;  Chorus
         it  lwrwlf."                                         4;  2nd  plat't'  Voic<'  of  Democracy  I;  Su1xonor  \t'l.ophone
                                                               'oloist ·1
                  ELIZABETH DIA '\IE  IIARRI  GTOl\'
         "I lll't:<'r ml'l a 11UIII  I didn't lik1 ."                    KATIILEE  ED  A KALI  OSKI
         Pep Cluh 4                                           "Sometime.\  quiet,  sometimes  shy,  !Jilt  t/1<  Tl'\1  of tlw  111111
                                                              -oh, my!"
                     DA:\'IEL PATRICK HARTLEY
          "An  hour  for  1tudy,  an  hour  for  lunch,  tw1  nty-tu;o  hours   PA\IELA COLLEE  KE  TON
                                                              "Thl'n' i.\  detl'Tmznation hidd!'n in hN quid way1"
         for lice{'·"
          Footba I I, 2, 3, 4;  Basketball!, 2, 4; Track I, 2   Homecoming  Committee  2;  Tigerette  3,  4;   nnual  Repn•-
                                                              sentatlve 3, 4;  Library Club 4, V.O.E. 4,  Historian 4
                    \IARCARET     'A  IIAWKI  S
          "GiLl  t/11  world the best you haLl  "                          TEPHE  WE  TLEY KEE
          Bible Club 4, Pep Club 4;  F.I I.A.  1, 2            "Bewc!r1•,  I may do something sensational yl'l."
                                                               Boy  Scouts  1;  Band  I,  2,  3,  Baskl'tball  2,  3,  4;  Ili-Y  2,
                    RA:"-JDAL  BRUCE IIE"DEHSO:\              3; Tri-fli-Y  1ascot 3; Para-~ledical Club 3, 4
          "\\ hy 11'1  tlw det:il hmA  all tlu  fun!"
          Football  1,  2,  3;  Student  Council  1;  Annual  representative   ~IE  DY  CHEHYL KELLY
          1                                                    "C('nllc in hn 11UIIllll'TOildfair to look upon"
                                                               Perfect  Attendant'<'  1;  Beta  Club  3,  4,  '\Jational  Honor  'o-
                        Lll\'DA DIA '\E IIERB                  ctety  3,  4;  Library  4,   m  ri<:an  Field  ~<·rvtn•  4,  Tigerett<·
          "Dark hair, bright eyn, and a hapJ'Y \mile"          3
          Library 2, 3,  D.C.T. 4
                                                                       CLARICE ~IARIE "RECJE" KE:"\  0'\
                   J  CK  RA:\'DOLPIIIIER:"\DO:\, JR.
          "\\'hy Study; It\ hare/for the hrain."
          Football 2, 3, 4
                      ~IICH  EL DEDO\\' II ILL
          ''I'll 1mih  my way out of this Jlrohh·m- you watch."
          Stud<•nt  Council  1,  2,  Bt•ta  Club  3,  4,  Football  4;  Chess
          Club 4; Sut•nt't' Club 4
                    LA\\'RE:\'CE JOSEPH  HODGES
          "SilenCI' i1  more eloqul'lll than word1  "

                       DO:\' ED\\'  RD HOCA '\
          "J'r.;1  tak1  11  my fun wlu n  f't:c fowultt."
          Chess Cluh3
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