Page 165 - chs-1969
P. 165

"FR/1  \J)UI Sl
                                                                           II  \HH"l  P \tiL LEE
      · S/11  ilkt  1  f'lm\llrt',fl/11, all(/ t uryom
      Studt•nt  ( :ouncil  Rt•pn·sentatiq•  l, 1;  Annual  Hepn·.,t•ntatiH'   ",\// tdw krwtL  lum an· hi1 fru  111ll."
      l ,  2,   tn·rin~  Committt·t•  2;  F.T.A.  3,  I,  \nlt·nt~lll  Field   Football  I,  2,  3,  I,  "Lln'>Uil~  lft•ro"  .\\\,ml  I;  B.tsd>.dl
      Senit·e  ·~.  ,\rmual  Stall  4,  Or~alll7<1tlom  Edrtor  I;  llonw-  .J,  I,  lntr.unm.d  B.t.,kl'th.dl '3;  \lnsH·  I  Pn•sidt·nt  L
      comm~ C)ut•t•n  ~
                                                                       \IEHU)Il II  I\' U.\ I'GS
                                                           ..  \  radicm/  1111ih·  alrullf\  hml/.!,1  rwrmth  to  tlw  11111111111
                    COLD IE JEA '\ 1\.EHCE
      "AIIrdw kllot(; lur an·lwr frit'llds."               hl'mt."
      Biblt• ('Jub  I;  F.II.A.  1, 2,:3                   1t111d  I ,  2,  St11dt•11t  (  ottllcil  2;  Bl'ta  Cl11b  :3,  I,  Se1110r
                                                           Pia;  I.
                   1\..\HE:\  ELIZABETII  1\.l•.'t
                                                                       Pll) LLIS l'L.\"L LITTLE
      " It\  110/  rdwt  I c/o  that  hotht r.\  IIW;  it\  rtlw11  I gt  I  m11ght   ·· f'lw kcy1wtc  of lifc• i1 frinullhifJ
      that  thcrt  11  cllfficlllty."
      Librar:  Club l; Trger Stafl2; Tri -lli  Y 2,:3      Ti~t·rdtt· 3,  D.(  I  I.
                                                                      \11(11  \Jo  L STE\\'AHT LOC. \  '\
               ALBEifl  ALE\.A'-DEH 1\.1'\C, JH.
      " It  mallt'l'l 1111/hou;  lo11g  tt:c·  lit.:c·.  lmthotL  ..   ''\\ omc•11  may  rwl  ht•  nutch,  lmt  tlu y  ore  the  hnt  otlwr
                                                           \l'X  ICC' hau•."
      Band  l ,  2,  .3,  4,  All  D1strict  Band  ~.  All  Stall•  Band  4,   Football  I,  2,  , ,  I;  2,  3,  I,  St11dt'11t  Co11ncil  ~.
      Transf(•r  2,  Scwnn•  Club  I,  \lath  Club  l ,  Kt•v  Club  :3,   Pl'rf(·d Attt•11danu•  I
      4,  ·ecn·t,ll)  I,  Senior Play 4      ·
                                                                       J \'\IS Ho\E  \IACl)()"<ALD
                     DEIHL\ CALE Kl'\(;                    "Bt•  chn·rjul  om/  goy,  lifi   i1  gm11d  if you  lir·c·  it  that
      "J.ifi  \  IIIII\/  fJrt 'CiOIIS (!.if/\  COli II  Ill .\mal/ pac/,;a{!.l'\ ...   tt:oy."
      Girl  Scout..  1,  2,  :3,  4,  Treasun•r  ~ ;  Perf(•ct  Attendance   Tn  Ill -)  I,  2,  '3,  C.n·l  Scouts  I,  2,  :3,  4;  Atllllhtf  Staff  2;
      2; Beta Clnb .1,  I; Library Club.                   \ri Club 4, Pprf(•d  \ttt nclant·t· 2.
                                                                         STE\ E  \1  CDO'\ \LD
                  FHA'\1\.  LI'\TO'\ KOO'\ , jH.           '',\lc·ll  offc t(;  rt:cm/1 ore  ofll'll/hc  In  11."
      "A /ill II' twrk, a /IItle  fllay  "
                                                                       P\\IELAJE\'\ \lA'\\  CO
                   JOH 'E ELAI'\E 11:00'\                  " \/though  ,/w  don11'1  hou  11111ch  to  IIIIJ.  1/w  mokn  tlw
      ",\ frinully hl'artha\ fill' lily of frwlllll  "     mo.\ I of n:cry day.
     Pt•rf(•ct  Attt•ndantt• 2,  \  .0. E. Club 4.        Para  :\ledical Clnb :3,  I.
                                                                      JOII'\  \11(.11  \EL \lA  CIIA\1
                  \STHIO 't \  l 0:\E M  "!  PEHS
     "Cm::y, lmltL'l  a/1/cnc·hl'r."                      "/go to 1choo/ to cut the  fool."
                                                          Bo;  couts  1, 2, :3,  4
     \l,tth  Club  I,  \rt  Club  I,  2,  4,  Secretan  I,  Star  Physical
     Education  Studt•nt  I,  2;  Para  :\ledical  Club  2,  .J,  I,  'Trt•a-
                                                                      LAL  HE'\ COHE't  \IARKII  \I
     surer J,  \'itt'  Pn•sidcnt  4,  Tri -lli -Y 2,:3,  Tn•asurer 3;  St•nwr   "1/ir;c·for today, for tomorrow lll'Cl'r conw1."
     Play  4;  llonwcoming  rt  Director  J,  4;  Prom  Art  Din•dor
     :3;  Anwrican  F1eld St>f'll('('  '3.                Boy  Scouts  1,  2;  E\plorPrs  :3,  4;  Ot•:\tolay  1,  2,  .1,  4;
                                                          Pt'~h·t-t  Attt'ndantt'  I, 2, .3.
                   DA\ 10 JEHO\IE LA '\E
                                                                         BETT't  JO \ICLEOD
     "Bomfor \1/CCC'\\"                                   ".\file ll.\11111  .\mile•, ll  cliiJIO\ilicm l!,l'llllc  am/mlid."
     Pt•rft.ct  \ttt•ndantt'  2,  '3,  Beta  Club  3,  I,  Ke\  (  lub  '3,   D.C.T. Cl11b  ~.
      I,  Studt•nt  Council  I,  St•n it>r  Phi\  I,  '\.ttlonal  I iouor  Sot'l
     t•l)  4, Pn•.,,dent  l;  Librar:  Club.  ·
                                                                      JOSEPII  \\'ES LE)  \lAHTI;'\
                                                          " I bdo11g to lllllllllll,  my hook1 ore  clo1l'd otlllght."
                  PATHJCK IIOL SEH L  \'\I·               Pt•rf(·d Attt•ndann·  I, 2,  3,  ~.
                        "(; {  II S !"'
     "Oh'  \I hat fiu• fi't I ca11  do."                               HO', \LD ALA'- \lASTERS
     B-Tt•am  Football  \tanager  I;  I II  "!,  Ollit·t·  Largt•,  Tri -  "Poco  Loco ... lc  I  lhl'  rnlrld 1/idc  "
     Tri -111  "!  I,  2,  J,  Girl  Scouts  1,  2,  :3,  I,  \nnu,d  Stall  2;
     Art Club  ~ ;  Pt•rf(•ct Attendance 2.                             1H\IOCLE':\ \IA'tO
                                                          " \\ore! I di\coranltt:omc•n."
                                                          Scit•nct•  Club  2,  2:  ChPss  Club  4;  Junior  Ci' itan\
                                                          Club :3;  Transf(·r  I.
                                                                   HOSE\'-'- Sll  RO'\  \ICCLELL.\1\D
                                                          " I  thm/,;  that  I  1hol/  lll't c·r  \Cllll,  a  In 1  01  ion ly  n1  a
                                                          IIUIII. "
                                                                     fOil'\\ ILLJ..\\1 :\ICCOH:\IICK
                                                          "A 1111111  ruth God i1 olrwy1 in  lhl'  lllli]Ority  "
                                                          :\liwd  Chorus  2,  Biblt•  Club  :3,  4,  President  3·  D.E.  Club
                                                          4, D.C.T. Club  ~. Chaplain 4.
                                                                     CI JEHU  DE'!  E  \ICCHA "\£)
                                                          ''SIIc·ncc·  1.11111  tl.\.\1'1."
                                                          Ari  Club 2, :3.
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