Page 169 - chs-1969
P. 169

~IERRILL CARLTON T     IL                           S   DRA  ELAI'\E \\ ESTBEHHY
       "Great thoughts like great deeds need  no trumpet."   "Seize the pleasure of the present day."
       Band l , 2, 3, 4;  Beta Club 3, 4;  \lusic Club 4.   D.C.T. Club 4.
                    ALLE  DANIEL TYRE
       "Boys will be boys."                                             CL  UDIA LO  WI IELESS
                                                                          ",\lOST DIG  /FIFO"
                   LEE WILLET    ~ISTE  D                  "A world of clwrm, grace, and wisdom is hcr1 ."
      "/need no imtincts lmt my own."                       F.T.A. 3, 4,  Chaplain 4;  Art  Club 3;  American  Field Service
                                                           4;  Annual  Stall  4,  Copy  Editor  4;  Annual  Repre'>entative
                FREDDIE  ATHA  'IEL VI  I  'C               l,  2,  4;  Cheerleader  2,  Calendar  Girl  2;  'tudent  Council
      "lie either finds a way or nwkes one."               3,  4;  Beta  Club  4;  Usher  at  ,)ass  Night  l;  Usher at  Bacca-
      F.F.A.  l.                                           laureate  2;   erver  at  Prom  2;  Epsilon  Phi  Sorority  :3,  4,
                                                           President  1.
                CLIFT()  OLn1PIA WAHD, JH.
      "Blessed  is  he  who  expects  rwthing,  for  he  shall  never   THO~IAS ~IADI  0   WJIIGIIA~I
      ~e disappointed."                                    "If at  fint  you  don't  wcceed that  11ll'an\  you're about  alil'r·
                  GEOHGE HAEB  R  W AHD
                     "A!OST DIG  /FlED"
      "Men may come and ml'll  may go, but  I go on forever."             ALLE  AAHO  WITT
                                                            ".\ly country, the u:orld;  my C0111ltrynwn,  mankind."
                  JA~IES DA  IEL WAHD, JR.                 Tiger  taff  1;  Photo  Club  l,  2,  3,  Chorus  l;  Bible  Club
      "A friendly lad is he."                              2,  3;  Voice  of  Democracy  2,  3,  !,  Staye  Finalist  ! ;  2nd.
                                                           place  cience Fair, 3rd. place Di.,trict 2.
                    ROSD1AHY WATER '
      "\\'ho said I don 't like boys~"                                   ELOISE ELAINE WITT Club 4;  D.  E.  Club  !; D.C.T. Club  t.     "Many charming teays lw.\  she."

                   GLE  DA GAIL \VAT '0                               LEO  ARD JASPER WITT, JR.
      "If once defeated,  I bdin:e in taking chances next time."   "Early  to  IJl·d  allll  mrly  to  nSl'   until  you  mak1·  nwugh
      Pep Club 4.                                          cash to do otherwise."
                                                           Hi-Y  2;  Boy  couts  l;  ~lu  Alpha  Theta  3,  4;  Beta  Club
                  CHRISTINE l\ELL WATT                     4;  Tiger  Staff 4;  Art  Club  4;  Chess  Club  !;  Prom  Commit-
      "Speech is  lillier, silence is golden."             tt•e 3; Senior Float  omm1ttee 4.
      V.O.E. Club 4.
                                                                        LE,   ELL IRI  YEATTS
                  WILLIA\1 TEHRY WAT  ON                   "It rs  aml'Try heart  that has many friends ."
      "lam fearfully and wonderfully made."
      Library Club 2, 3, President 3.
                                                                        JA~IES LAYTO  YO  NG
                    TEPH El  H  HT WEBB                    "  o oru• gets too old to learn a new way of being .stupid."
      "  l ver let studying interfere with your high school career."   Baseball  2,  3,  ~;  Photo  Club  2,  3,  Presidt•nt  3;  Annual
      F.F.A. l; Art Club l.                                Staff 4, Photo Editor 4; Tiger  taff 4,  ports  ditor 4.
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