Page 167 - chs-1969
P. 167

Perl(·l't  Attt•ndanu•  3,  4,  \fu  Alpha  Tlwt,t  .'3,  1,  Top  9   JOSI-.PII  HEA  PHILLIPS,  JR.
       Junior .\fagazuw Salt·'· Senior.                     "If at fin/ you do11  I  \UCC1'1·d  that  mak1'\ you about arcmg1·."
                     JOII'\  DAVID .  OHHIS
                                                                         HICII  HD DEA  POOLL
       "Lct tlw world roll along  I'll gct thac latcr."
                                                            "He is a sure card."
                                                            Photo  Club  1,  2,  a;  L1hfill)  Club  3,  4;  Clwss  Club  3,
                     SA.  DH-\  LEE O'BH) A\,
       "()uiC'Incn is a dnirablc trait."                    1; Tigt>r Staff  t.
       Top  20%  Fn•,Junan  Plati.'nwnt  Test;  C.irl  St:outs  1,  2,  a,   E.\11LY CO  E POL '\D
       4;  Para -.\h•diml  Club  2;  Bt'ta  Club  a,  I,  Library  Club   "Why il•t the dt·vil hatt•al/ til!' fun''
       4; Tri -lli -Y  1, 2, 3.
                    JOII  JOSEPH 0.\11'\'  Kl
       "/11  1.1  c/cr;cr and ar1  all around good fellow."               J A\IES DA \  ID PRICE
       Bda  Club  1;  Chess  Club  3,  4;  Sc1enti.'  Club  1;  Perft•t•t
        ttt ndanet• 1, 2, 3; Top 20%  Freshman Plat:Pmt•nt Test.   "Life  il a  jnt  and  all  thing\  1how  it.   thought  w  once,
                                                            but now I know it  '
                                                            Tri-lli-)  .\fascot, Student Council; ll i-Y.
                  J  \1ES STEPIIE  0  ' BOH  E
       "Somdirw s I u;ondcr what .\c/wol'.\ all alum/ "
       Music Club 4.                                                    C  RTIS JOII'\ PROVEA  X
                                                            "Good nature is a sign lif alarg1, gerl!'rous soul."
                                                            F.F.A.  1;  D.E.  3,  4,  Vice  President  3,  4,  .\1ember  of
                    VICKI  L Y   OVEH\IA.                   D .E.C.A. 3, 4.
                        "WITT/I S7"'
      "Dyrutmiil' com!'S  in small paclwges."
                                                                       DEBOHAII S  SA
      Baskt•tball  Intramural  1,  2,  3;  Girl  Swuts  1;  Tri -lli -Y  1,   "To add life to yean, not yean to life."
      2,  3,  Vollt>yball  Intramurals  2;  2nd.  plact>  llorsesho •s  2;
      Amt>rican Field  'enit:e.                             F.H.A.  l;  Top 20%  Freshman  Plati.'ment  Te'>t;  Art  Club ·t;
                                                            Beta  Club  4,  Annual  ' tafT  4,  V.O.E.  4,  V1ce  President
                                                           4; Powder-Pull Football.
                .\IAHIA'\\.E ELIZABETH OWE<:
                     ",\lOST AT/I U  TIC"                              WI  'FORD DALE HICIIARDS
      "Few things are impossible to diligeriCl', skill."
      P.E.   ward  1;  Horwshot•  Intramurals  2,  Vollt>yball  lntra -  "lie  rides his hobby hone  peac1jully and quietly along life\
      mumls  2;  Basketball  lntramurals  2,  3;  Tennis  Tt>am  3,
      4;  Beta  Club  3,  4;   nnual  Representatn:e  3,  4;   nnual   DOHOTIIY ELAI  E  HITCH
       tafT 4;  Sports  Editor 4,  American  Field  'enit:e 4;  Tri-lli-Y
      2.                                                   "Seiu• the pleasure of tlu  pr('.\1 nl day  "
                                                           D. E. Club 4, Trt•asurt•r 4.
                    ELAINE \1ARIE PARK                            JA;'o.fES  liE  DER '()\, "JI.\1BO"  RIVER
      "She looh clwcifully U/1011  I'Ll rything."
      Art  Club 3, 4.                                      "Beware,  /may do so111ething wnmtiorwl yet 1 "
                                                           F.F.A.  4;  Photo  Club  2;  Annual  Representative  4,  BO)
                                                            muts 3; Library Club 3.
                 IHVI  CALHO    P  S  HALL
      "Submit to  thc prewnt 1 vil,lnt a great onc b1'fall you ."
                                                                         BOB ORE\\  ROBERTS
                                                           "Fascinating ... effortless wit.   Mr  Cool."
                    PEGGY  , '  RED!  II
      "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."  .   •          teering Committee 2,  Library 2,  Bo)  t'Out'>  2.
      Tn -H1 -Y  1,  2,  3,   tudent  Council  2;  D.C.T.  4,  D.C.T .   CHERREL A;\1A  'DA ROBERTS
      Christmas Float.
                                                           "And there is mischief in tho.\!'  eyes."
                                                           F.H.A.  1, V.O.E. Cluh 4.
                  HERBERT NEAL PEPPER
      "Full of laughter.jull of pep"
                                                                        DA   Y EVA   ROBERTS
                                                           "Alway\ lutppy, altcay1 gay "
                   FREDRICK LEE PERRY
      "A sense of humor, with plenty of rwnseme."
                                                                       LESTER LAM!  ROBI   ON
                                                           "Take a1re of me -good 111<  n are hard to find."
                   PATRICIA A   PETER '
      "ller eyes how they twinkle so gay."
      F.H.A.  1;  Pam  \ft•dical  Club  2,  3;  Biblt>  Club  4,  V.O.E.   JO  EPII  LEE ROB!  '0
      4.                                                   "He  has  a  habit  of always  looking  on  the  sunny  side  of
                                                           Beta  Club  3,  4;  Student  C..ouncil  3,  4;  Perfect  Attendanct•
                 A  I  A LUCILLE PETERSO
                                                           2, 3, 4.
      "  ature nuule her wlutt she is mulnever nuule another."
      Band  1,  2,  3,  4,  President  4;  Perfect  Attendant.i.'  l ;  Bible
       lub  3,  4;  1st.  plati.'  Ping  Pong  Tournament  2;  3rd.  plact•
     Tennis  Tournament  2,  Perfect  Attendanct• 3;  Para-\h"<lical     MARY  -LE~I RO  SEE
     Club 2, 3, 4,  -haplain 3, Prt•'>ident 4.
                                                           "l:'~verybody has a hobby, her.\  i.\  boys."
                                                           Prom  Floor  Show  1;  F.T.A.  3;  Girl  Scouts  1,  2,  3,  4,
             GLE  Y  \1ARGARET A   E PIIILBEY              Art  Club 4;  Beta  Club 3, 4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta 3, 4;  Tri-Hi -Y
                    "MOST COURT EO  S"                     1,  2,  3;  Calendar  Girl  3;  Girls'  State  Alternate  3;  Tiger
      '"Tiw ouly true gift is a {1ortion of thyself."       taff  4,  Sophomore  Editor  4;  Top  20%  Freshman  Plact•-
      Foreign  Exchange  tu< ent  4,  Beta  Club  4;  Amerimn  Field.   ment  Test;  Basketball  Intramural'>  2,  Volleyball  1ntramurals
       rviti.'  Club  I,  F.T.A.  4;  tudent  C..ouncil  4,  Powdt•r-Pufl   1, 2.
                                                                          AMBER GAIL R  S '
                 DOROTHY FAYE PHILLIP'                     "A joy to know."
      "Cod loves to hell' him who strives to he/11 hirn1dj."   Tri-Hi-Y l, 2, 3; Para-Medical Club 3.
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