Page 168 - chs-1969
P. 168

                     CEORCE \\'ILLI-\\1 HYE
                                                             "\\hy worry? \\'any never madc  men great"
        "Silc·ncc• i.1  1trength."
                                                             D.C.T. 3, 4;  mted States '\a•al Hest•rve.
                    ROBERT \IICIIAEL  'A 'SO
                                                                         DEBOHAH JESSIE TAYLOR
        "/need no instinct\ lmt my Otcn."                    "Evc rybody has 11  hobby; hers is  boys."
        Football1,  ener at Prom 1,  ~; lli-Y ~.Boy 'couts ~.
                                                             D.C.T. Club 3, -1.
                      USA'.;  AN"J  Tli:-.EIDER
                                                                          JERRY \\oAY  E T  YLOR
         "Afru nclly tcay  tcllh cu np>rw."                  "Reading is  to the mind what exercise is to the body."
         Pt•p Club 1, Futun•  urses 1; Tramfer ~-            Chess  Club  3,  4;  Science   lub  -1;  Top  20%  Freshman
                                                             Placement Test; Perfect Attendance 3.
                   ROi\ALD LEO,  ARD  IIER~I  ,
         ",\fen of few words are often the best men."                       Ll  DA   E TAYLOR
         Top  ~0%  Freshman  Placement  Test,  Tracl- 1,  ~;  F.F.A.       thl'   happy   way   of  doing   things."
         1,  ~.  3,  -1,  'entinel  3,  -1,  Judgmg  Tt•am  at  State  Fair  ~.   ",\fanner.\   are
                                                              F.! I.A.  1.
                                                                       LORHAI,  E ELIZABETH T  YLOR
                    \\ILL!  \I I!  RRI  'SIR\10  S
                                                              "judge not her worth by her size."
         "lfciJIJlY-Go-Lucky"                                 F.II.A.  1;  Perfect  Attendance  1;  Tigerette  3,  4;  4-11  1;
                                                              Pep Club  t; Float  ommittee 3, -1.
                    FR  'KLIN LEROY  LA  KER
         "Don't wake me up unless it'sa girl."
                                                                         WALTER ORVILLE TAYLOR
         Football  1, ~. 3, -1,  "Hero" A\\ard -1.
                                                              "The world is his who enjoys it."
                                                              Journalism  1;   tudent  Council  1;  Science  1,  2;  D.C.T.
                     DO  ALD JO  EPII  LOA
                                                              Club 3, 4, President -1.
         "Oh,  wc•/1,  the  hundred  years  are  always  the  hard-
         est."                                                               :\tARY A  N TERRY
                                                              "If  there  were  more  like  her,  the  stock  of  haloes  would
                     DEBORAH  DIA  A S:\11TH
                                                              run out."
         "/fer smilc  wir1s friends."
         Libran.  Club  4,  Girl  couts  I,  ~.  3,  -I;  D.C.T.  -1,  llbtorian   TIMOTHY JACK  0   TIIO\tAS
         -1.   '
                                                              "just being happy is a fine thing."
                                                              Football  4;  Boy  'couts  1,  2,  3,  4,  E"plorer;  Homecoming
                         JO  EPH  E.  :\tiTII                 Float 1, 2, 3, 4.
                         "BEST DRESSED"
         "lie touches nothing, but he adds 11  charm."                    BR  CE ALA  THO:\tP  0
          tudent  ouncil 1, ~; Hi- Y ~-
                                                              "A lion among ladies is 11  most dreadful thing."
                                                              Band  1;  Military   chool  2;   ,hess  Club  3;  Boy   eouts
                       A  ITA  DIA  E  0~1ERS                 1, E'l.plorer 4.
          "She is like the breeze-gentle and sweet."
          Beta  Club  -I;   ational  Honor  Society  4;  Majorette  -1;  Tri-  SA  DRA JO THOMPSO
          lli-Y  3;  Calendar   irl  -1;  Cheerleader  2;  cience  Club  4;   "She has 11  smile and sunshirw in her face."
          ecretary  -I;  Library Club 3;  Officer-at-Large 3;  Floor ShO\\   Tri-Hi-Y 1, 2; Pep Club 4.
          at Prom 3; Transfer 3.
                    JO 'EPII ~IICIIAEL SPRADLEY                               BETTY JA  E TICE
          "My joy of life is  hard to kill."                   "She is  nice by name and nature."
                                                               Perfect Attendance 1;  F.T.A. 1, 2.
                        SHELTO    PRADLEY
          "I go  to school to cut the fool."                                 IRIS VICTORIA Tl  0
                                                                         "MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED"
                      DEBORA! I A    TEFFEN                    'The  talent  of  success  is  nothing  more  than  doing  what
          "(~ ntlc· of speech and IJc•ncficc•nt  of mind."     you  Cl/11  do  well;  and  doing  well  wlwtever  you  do,  without
          F.T.A.  I,  2;  Beta  Club  3,  4;   ation<ll  Honor  ociety  3,   a thought of fame."
          4;  Libmry  3,  4;  Top  10%  Freshman  Placement  Te~t;  a-  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  Secretary  1,  Treasurer  2;   heerleader  2,
          tiona(  ~lerit  cholarship   emi-finalist;  Top  10%   enior   3,  4,  Co-Captain  4;  Beta  Club 3, 4;  ational  Honor  Society
           Placement Test.                                     3,  4,  Treasurer  4;  Class  Treasurer  4;  Student  Council  1,
                                                               2, 3, 4.
                   JA   ETTE :\lA  REE   1   TEWART
          "She c•ntc•r.s  the room voice first."
          Tri-lli-Y  1,  ~. 3,  Chaplain;  Girl  couts  1;  F.T.A.  4;  llome-  GLE  D  GALE T0~11  SO
          commg Float 1,  ~; Homecoming  ,ommittee 3, 4.       "Take life as you find it."
                     SARA GE  EVIEVE    ~I~IER
          "Do  not  Jlllt  off  until  tomorrow  what  can  be  put  off  'til   l\IARCIA  IRE  E TOl\IPKI  S
          day after tomorrou; just a.1  well."                  "Man has his will, but wonum has her way."
          Tn-lli-Y  1,  2;  Temm Team 3,  -1;  Ches.,  Club  4;  Para-:\led-  Tri-Hi-Y  1;  Library  Club  2;  F.ll.A.  3,  4;  F.T.A.  4;  V.O.E.
          ical  Club -1;  Girl•.' State Delt•g<ltt• 3.          Club4.
                        AN  JAI  E S  ~I  1ERVILLE
           "Our thoughts a/Ill our conduct are our own."                     AVIS  RAY TOW  SE  D
           Beta  Club 3,  -I;  V.O.E.  -1;  Top  ~0% Freshman Te.,t;  Perfect   "A cheerful heart, a friendly smile."
                                                                Para-Medical Club 2;  D.C.T. Club 4; Senior Play Usher.
 • I, ~-
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