Page 166 - chs-1969
P. 166
LA D PREE \100D't
"Can I help it if I'm irrnistiblc " "MOST SCIIOOL Sl'IRITID"
Tran. fer 4; Football 1, 2, Basd>all 1; nnual tafT 3; An- ",\n ounC<' of wit is worth 11 pound ofwrrow."
arsity Football \tanager 1; Letterman Club 1; Basketball
nual Hepre.,entati\e 3, 'tudt•nt .oum:il 1, 2, Perfed At-
tl>ndam:t' 1, 2, 3. 2, 3, ·1; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 3, 4.
(,AI E', \\lilT ITT \ICF DOE:\
"Ld\ hau· fun today."
"Wiu re all think alike, no 0111 thinks tcnj much."
nnual HepresentatiH' 1, 2, 3, 4; Ti~t·r 'tafT 1, 2; Art Photo Club 1, 2; Boy ·(.~uts 1, 2, 3, 4; I-ll 1, 2, 3,
4; F.F.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club I.
Club 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Chess Club 3, 4, Vice President
4; Bo\ 'couts 1, 2, 3, 4, Clt'n<.'(' .lub 4, Treasurer 4; \10 ROE LAWRE CE MORRELL, JR.
Ameri~·an Field ervice 3, 4, Vi<.'(' President 4; enior Class "To worry little, to study less, is my idea of lwppirwss."
Play 4, ta~e \l.111ager I; lli-Y 2, Chaplain 2; Top
20% 'enior Ph~eement Tt•st; Pt•rfed ttendanee 1, 2; Float Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Photo Club 2, 3.
Comm1ttee 3, 4; I lomt·t~>min~ P<trade 4.
"1/e tries to do !Jis duty th£' best he carl"
"I am rc.\ist c>:< rything t'XC<'Tit temptation." .hess Club 4.
Boy couts 1, 2, 3, 4, Ea~le t~ut 4, panish 2; tudent LI DA ~1 RI E \lOSE'
Council1 "BE 'T DRJ:SSI D"
"\\'e wish there were more p<'ople lik£ you."
~L -\ \IELI:\DA \1 R H Band 1, 2; Perfect Attendant'(' 1, 2, 3, 4; Beta Club 3,
"'/u Tun a .srmil that won't come off." 4, D R History Award 3, llonor ciety 3, ·t,
Tri-H1 Y 1, 2, 3; Homet~min~ Committee 1; Tiger 'tall cretary !.
2; Art Club 2, 3; Intramural Volleyball 2; Intramural Bas-
ketball 2, Choms 4; Ti~erette 4, Girl eouts 1. WCHAEL COLLI \10 ES
"Teachers don't recognize genius when they sec it."
JACK \lEEK Boy couts I, 2, 3, 4, Eagle 4; Golf Team 1, 2, 3, 4;
"MOST InPI DAHL/·" Youth Or~anization.
"Good men an hard to find."
Track 1, 2, 3, All Conference 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, ROBERT CLI TO M LLI ·, JH.
Cold Helment A" ard 2, 3, lost Improved 4, Basketball "'ometimes I wonder what schoo/'.s all about."
1, Tennis 1, BaseBall 4; B"eta Club 3, 4; ational Honor Band 1; Library Club 4.
ociety 3, 4, Key Club 2, 3, 4, Reporter 3; tudent Council
2, 3, 4, Vit'(' President 3, President 4; President of Class EDGAR PHILLIP ~I NOZ
3; Boys' tate Delegate 3; Top 10% Freshman Placement " eat ness is never a mistake."
Test; Top 10% enior Plact•nwnt Tt•st, Chemistry Award Band 1, 3; Prom Floor how 2; Boy couts 1, teering
3; Perfect Attendant't' 3. ommittee 2; hess 3, t, Para-\1t•dical Club 4, llomt•-
<.~mmg Float 4.
"Dispo.1ition i. the foundation of TwpTiincs\." DWIGHT L BY \1 'CRO E
"Boy.s wi/IIJe boys."
"Things wil/Tu'IITI<'n, 10 tdwt\ tlu rwcd?" KI OLE DWAY E 'EL\1'
Boy ·(.~>11ts I; E,p]orers 2; F.F A. "To hurry and worry is not my creed"
Football 1.
"u:t no woman's tceapon stain my r1umly check." JOH JACK 0 ETTLE .
B-Team Football 2; Hi-Y 2, rt Club 3, 4, President 4; "Full of mischief, has his fun, while the world flickers on."
Chess Club 3; Trad. 2, Student Council 4; Library Club Football 1, 2, 3; Intramural Volleyball 1, F.F.A. 4, Track
4, Annual Representative. 4.
"A \mile is the trademark of 11 happy soul" "My joy of l1fe 1.1 Tum/ to kill"
Tri-Hi-Y 1, 2, 3; Ti~er 'tafT 1, 2; American Field 'ervice
4; Olllct> ssistant 3; Tennis Team 4, Girl <.~uts 1. WILLIA~1 SID EY 'EW ·o, Ill
"A nwn with ambition."
J 'E ELIZ BETII \!ILLIG , ' Football 1, Wrestling 1, 2, Archltt•ch Club 3; Bt>ta Club
"Bright and gay a.1 11 sumrru·r day." 3, 4, Che" Club 4; Tmnsfer 4.
F.T .. 2, 3; Bt~ta Club 3, 4; .irl t~uts 1, 2, 3, 4; Tri lli-Y
1, 2, 3; Annual Representative 2, Tiger taff 2; Top 20% RO ALD \\1 Y E :\1\IC.,
Freshman Plat-t•nwnt Test, Top 20 enior Phtcement "\\ 11dom 1\ what you teach yoursdi"
Test; American Field Sen·ict• 4; Intramural Volleyball 2; Top 20% Freshman Placement Test; 1st. Plac: Science
Fair 2; tudent Guide Career Week 2; Beta Club 3, 4;
Sen eel <It Prom I, 2.