Page 166 - chs-1969
P. 166

LA  D  PREE \100D't
                      JOEL A1  A  \ICE:\DHEE
         "Can I help it if I'm  irrnistiblc "                            "MOST SCIIOOL Sl'IRITID"
         Tran. fer  4;  Football  1,  2,  Basd>all  1;   nnual  tafT  3;  An-  ",\n ounC<' of wit is  worth 11  pound ofwrrow."
                                                               arsity  Football  \tanager  1;  Letterman  Club  1;  Basketball
         nual  Hepre.,entati\e  3,  'tudt•nt  .oum:il  1,  2,  Perfed  At-
         tl>ndam:t'  1, 2, 3.                                 2, 3, ·1;  Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 3, 4.
                                                                         JA\IE  DE'\WOOD \IORC-\"-
                  (,AI  E', \\lilT  ITT \ICF  DOE:\
                                                              "Ld\ hau· fun today."
         "Wiu re all think alike, no 0111  thinks tcnj much."
          nnual  HepresentatiH'  1,  2,  3,  4;  Ti~t·r  'tafT  1,  2;  Art   Photo  Club  1,  2;  Boy  ·(.~uts  1,  2,  3,  4;  I-ll  1,  2,  3,
                                                              4; F.F.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club  I.
         Club  4;  Band  1,  2,  3;  Chess  Club  3,  4,  Vice  President
         4;  Bo\  'couts  1,  2,  3,  4,   Clt'n<.'('   .lub  4,  Treasurer  4;   \10  ROE LAWRE  CE MORRELL, JR.
         Ameri~·an Field  ervice 3,  4,  Vi<.'('  President  4;  enior Class   "To worry little, to study less, is  my idea of lwppirwss."
         Play   4,   ta~e  \l.111ager   I;   lli-Y  2,  Chaplain  2;  Top
         20%  'enior  Ph~eement Tt•st;  Pt•rfed  ttendanee  1,  2;  Float   Band  1, 2, 3, 4; Photo Club 2, 3.
         Comm1ttee 3, 4;  I lomt·t~>min~ P<trade 4.
                                                                          DA  IEL Rl  .IIAHD \IORSE
                                                              "1/e tries  to  do !Jis duty th£'  best he carl"
                     ED\\ I  Kn!BAL \ICL  IN
         "I am rc.\ist c>:<  rything t'XC<'Tit  temptation."   .hess Club 4.
         Boy   couts  1,  2,  3,  4,  Ea~le  t~ut 4,  panish  2;  tudent   LI  DA ~1   RI  E  \lOSE'
         Council1                                                             "BE 'T DRJ:SSI D"
                                                              "\\'e wish there were more p<'ople lik£  you."
                      ~L  -\   \IELI:\DA \1  R  H             Band  1,  2;  Perfect  Attendant'('  1,  2,  3,  4;  Beta  Club  3,
         "'/u  Tun a .srmil  that won't come off."            4,  D  R  History  Award  3,  llonor   ciety  3,  ·t,
         Tri-H1  Y  1,  2,  3;  Homet~min~ Committee  1;  Tiger  'tall   cretary  !.
         2;  Art  Club  2,  3;  Intramural  Volleyball  2;  Intramural  Bas-
         ketball 2, Choms 4; Ti~erette 4, Girl  eouts 1.                 WCHAEL COLLI      \10  ES
                                                              "Teachers don't recognize genius when they sec it."
                           JACK \lEEK                         Boy   couts  I,  2,  3,  4,  Eagle  4;  Golf  Team  1,  2,  3,  4;
                       "MOST InPI  DAHL/·"                    Youth  Or~anization.
          "Good men an  hard to find."
         Track  1,  2,  3,  All  Conference  2,  3;  Football  1,  2,  3,  4,   ROBERT CLI  TO  M  LLI ·, JH.
          Cold  Helment  A" ard  2,  3,  lost  Improved  4,  Basketball   "'ometimes I wonder what schoo/'.s all about."
          1,  Tennis  1,  BaseBall  4;  B"eta  Club  3,  4;   ational  Honor   Band 1;  Library Club 4.
          ociety  3,  4,  Key  Club 2,  3, 4,  Reporter 3;  tudent  Council
          2,  3,  4,  Vit'('  President  3,  President  4;  President  of Class   EDGAR PHILLIP ~I  NOZ
          3;  Boys'  tate  Delegate  3;  Top  10%  Freshman  Placement   "  eat ness is  never a mistake."
          Test;  Top  10%   enior  Plact•nwnt  Tt•st,  Chemistry  Award   Band  1,  3;  Prom  Floor  how  2;  Boy   couts  1,   teering
          3; Perfect Attendant't' 3.                            ommittee  2;   hess  3,  t,  Para-\1t•dical  Club  4,  llomt•-
                                                               <.~mmg Float 4.
                       TO,  A LEE \1EREDITH
          "Dispo.1ition  i.  the foundation of TwpTiincs\."               DWIGHT L  BY  \1  'CRO  E
                                                               "Boy.s  wi/IIJe boys."
                             EILE \IILE'
          "Things wil/Tu'IITI<'n,  10 tdwt\ tlu  rwcd?"                    KI  OLE DWAY  E  'EL\1'
          Boy  ·(.~>11ts  I; E,p]orers 2;  F.F A.              "To hurry and worry is not my creed"
                                                               Football 1.
               CHARLES  'TEPIIE  "D  STY" MILLER III
          "u:t no woman's tceapon stain my r1umly  check."                 JOH  JACK  0   ETTLE .
          B-Team  Football  2;  Hi-Y  2,   rt  Club  3,  4,  President  4;   "Full of mischief, has his fun, while the world flickers on."
          Chess  Club  3;  Trad.  2,  Student  Council  4;  Library  Club   Football  1,  2,  3;  Intramural  Volleyball  1,  F.F.A.  4,  Track
          4, Annual  Representative.                           4.
                    DEBORAH  LO  ISE l\1ILLICA                            ROBERT LEROY  EWBEGI
          "A \mile is  the trademark of 11  happy soul"        "My joy of l1fe  1.1  Tum/ to kill"
          Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3;  Ti~er  'tafT  1,  2;  American  Field  'ervice
          4; Olllct>  ssistant 3; Tennis Team 4, Girl  <.~uts 1.         WILLIA~1 SID  EY  'EW ·o,  Ill
                                                               "A nwn with ambition."
                     J   'E ELIZ  BETII  \!ILLIG  , '          Football  1,  Wrestling  1,  2,  Archltt•ch  Club  3;  Bt>ta  Club
          "Bright and gay a.1  11  sumrru·r day."              3, 4, Che" Club 4; Tmnsfer 4.
           F.T .. 2,  3;  Bt~ta Club 3, 4;  .irl  t~uts 1,  2,  3, 4;  Tri  lli-Y
           1,  2,  3;  Annual  Representative  2,  Tiger  taff 2;  Top  20%   RO  ALD \\1  Y  E :\1\IC.,
           Freshman  Plat-t•nwnt  Test,  Top  20   enior  Phtcement   "\\ 11dom  1\ what you teach yoursdi"
          Test;  American  Field  Sen·ict•  4;  Intramural  Volleyball  2;   Top  20%  Freshman  Placement  Test;  1st.  Plac:   Science
                                                               Fair  2;   tudent  Guide  Career  Week  2;  Beta  Club  3,  4;
           Sen eel <It  Prom  I, 2.
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