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Tere  a Cheryl  Keen                    2,3,4-Vice  Pres  3;  Boy   State  3;  Boy   3,4; Annual Rep 3; Columbian Staff 4
            " Eve ryone  fall  in  love  once  in  life  and  I' m   Nominee  3- Nation;  Fo   111  1,2,4;  Beng-
            still  waiting"                         al Club 4;  Football  "captain" 4;  Ba  ketball
            National  Honor  Society  3;  Girls  Chorus  2;   1,2;  Track 1,3;  FCA  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  Mascot 2,3;   Marcu  Gary McColskey
            AFS 3,4;  Beta Club 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 3     Field  Day  3;  Powderpuff  cheering  1;  Es-  "Be  always  sure  you're  right,  then  go
                                                    cort  at  Mi   CHS  3;  Ush •r  at  Graduation   ahead"
                                                    3; Server at Prom 2                     Band 1
            Steven lynn Keene
            " If  you  are  not  afraid  to  face  the  mu  ic                              Robert Keith McConkey
            you may get to lead the  band"          Margaret Ann Levings                    "A  good-natured  boy  is  welcome  in  any
                                                    " Lovely  to  look  at,  delightful  to  know,   company"
                                                    poi  e and grace are her  to ~how"      Ches  Club 2;  Key  Club 2,3
             Robbin Chri  tin e Kelly               Student  Council  3,4;  Ph  tography  Club 2;
            " Give the  world the  best you  have"   Tri-Hi-Y  1;  Art  Club  3,4;  Spanish  Club  2;   lynn Franci  McCrary
                                                    National  Honor Society  2,3  Beta Club 2,3;   " She  has  a  mile  for  every  girl,  and  two
                                                    Homecoming:  Committee  3-Field  Day    for every boy"
             Deleon Kelly                           2,3
             " Good  nature   a  sign  of  a  large,  ge-
             nerou  oul"                                                                    R  becca Ann MacNeill
                                                    Bobby lee lewis                         "A kind heart i  a foundation  of gladness"
                                                    "A  cheerful  soul  lightens  the  hearts  of   FHA  1;  Spanish  Club 2,3;  Music  Club  2,3;
             Kenneth lamar Kilgore                  others"                                 Beta  Club  3,4- ec  4;  Health  Careers  4;
             " Speak  not  in  the  ear  of  a  fool;  for  he   Football  1,2;  Basketball 1;  Art  Club 1;  FFA   Science Club 3,4
             will de  pi  e  the wisdom of your words"   2; Science Club 2
             Key Club 2;  Library Club 2
                                                                                            Johnnie lee Maeweathcr No. 66
                                                    Yvette Lockley                          "If you  want  to  accomplish  omething  in
             Daniel lee Killebrew                   "Never return a  kindness, just pass it on"   life, best to start early"
             " He  i  clever  and  an  all  around  good  fel-  Afro-American Club 2;  FHA 4   Football  1,2,3,4;  Afro-American  Ball  2;  Jr-
             low"                                                                            r Prom 3
             National  Honor  Society  3;  Beta  Club  3,4 ;
             Photography 3;  Library 2               Steve Tracy long
                                                    " Life's a  very funny proposition after all"   Josephine Ann Marcello
                                                                                            "From  the  crown  of  her  head
             Carol Dee Kimmick                                                              of her foot, she is all mirth"
             "There'  alot  to  be  aid  for  the  girl  who   Aline Lovette                Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3,4;  AFS  3;  FBLA  4;  Powder
                                                    " Of dispo  ilion sweet and manner mild"
             doe  n' t  ay it  her  elf"                                                     Puff Football 1,2,3
             Pep Club 2;  Beta Club 4                FHA 3,4
                                                                                             Bruce Darrell "Dusty" Markham No. 76
             Albert Dewey " Dickey"  King     '~~arbara Ann luck                            "The  only  way  to  have  friends  is  to  be
             " Poco-loco . .. let the world slide"   1:)::   "Life is  what you make it"     friendly"
                                             ~  Cheerleader  1;  FHA  1,4;  Secretary  4;    Football  1,4;  FCA  4;  Homecoming:  Field
                                                      horus 1
                                                                                             Day  2,3;  Float  Driver  3;  FFA:  State  Con-
             Alton lamar Kohn                                                                vention  3,4-National  Convention  3-Li-
             "A friendly lad is  he"                                                         vestock   Judging   1,2,3,4;   Sub-District
             FFA  2,3,4                              Connie lee lumpkin                      Chairman 4; Sub-District Contest 1,2,3,4
                                                     "love  is  not  put  in  your  heart  to  stay;
                                                     love is  not love until ifs given away"
             Suzanne lynn Kushcill                   Beta Club 3,4; Science Club 2,3,4       Celene Jan Markham
             "Life  smiles  upon  the  day and  is  free  even                               "Kindness gives birth to kindness"
             when we drag our chains"                                                        FHA 1; Columbian Staff 4
             Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,4;  Art Club 3,4           George Anderson Mabry
                                                     "It is  easier for a  peacock to show his  true
                                                     colors  than  for  a  lion  to  swallow  his   Deborah Ann Markham
             Wynana Chri  tine lamb                  pride"                                  "Nothing is impos  ible to a  willing heart"
             "She looks cheerfully upon everything"   Key  Club  3,4-President  4;  Drama  Club   FHA 1; Science Club 2
             Drama Club 1; Science Club 2;  OCT 4    1,4;  Beta  Club  3,4-Tres  4;  National  Ho-
                                                     nor  Society  3,4-V  Pre  4;  Spanish  Club
                                                     2,3,4;  Science  Club  3,4-Treas;  Student   Glen Franklin Markham
             Sylvia Jo Lashley                       Council  4;  Tiger  Staff  4;  Columbian  Staff   "Silence is an assetf'
             "Insecurity breeds Hatred"              4;  AFS  4;  Photography  Club  3,4;  Mu  Al-  DCT4
             Health  Careers  2,3,4;  Tigerette  1;  FHA  1;   pha  Theta  2,3;  Float  Chairman  3,4;  Prom
             Spanish  Club  3;  Science  Club  4;  Colum-  Committee  3;  Homeroom  Treasurer  2;
             bian Staff 4;  Calendar Girl 4;  Beta Club 4;   Perfect  Attendance  1,2,3;  Essay  Contest 2;   lark Denise Markham
                                                     Science  Award  1;  Voice  of  Democracy  Es-  "If  I  were  founding  a  school,  I  would  first
                                                     ay  2-second,  3  first;  BSCS  Award  2;   find a bathroom"
             Sheila Diane Laxton                     Chemistry  Award  3;  G  ometry  Award  ~;   FHA  1;  Art  Club 4;  Columbian Staff 4;  Tri-
             "She  i   like  the  breeze--gentle  and   Algebra  II  Award  2;  Engli  h  Award  1;   Hi-Y 2,4-Grand Council4; Tiger Staff 4
                                                     Spanish Award  3;  Woodmen  of  the  World
             Art Club 4                              American  History  Award  3;  US  Maritime
                                                     Industry  Poster Contest 3;  Civics Award  1;   Mitchell Glenn Martin
                                                     Typing  Award  1;  Key  Club  Convention  3;   "Clear the halls, here I come"
             Allen lee                                                                       Football  2;  Gymnastic  2;  Field  Day  3,4;
             "The world is  his  who enjoys if'      Beta  Club  Convention  3;  Top  10  Place-
                                                     ment  Test  1,4;  National  Merit  Semifinalist   Advisory Council 3,4
                                                     3; Star Student 3
             Gerald  Wayne lee                                                               Dudley Graham Matthews
             "Live for today"
                                                     Mary Patricia Mclain                    "Wild, wreckless, and lot  of fun"
                                                     "      And  there  is  mischeif  in  those   Freddie lee Mayo
             John Michael lee No. 81                eyes"                                    "The  world  is  only as  great as  you  want to
             "Go  as  far  as  you  can  see,  when  you  get   Epsilon  Phi  Sorority  3,4-V  Pres.  4;  Miss   make it"
             there you'll see farther"              C HS  Pageant  2;  Student  Council  2,3;
             'itudent  Council  2,3,4-Vice  Pres  3-Pres   Softball  2,3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  2;  Homecoming;
             4;  Pre  ident  of  Class  2,3;  Key  Club   Skit  2  bonfire  commit  e  2-Field  Day   Jose louis Menendez

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