Page 205 - chs-1972
P. 205
"Oh well, the first hundred years are the Martha Kay Witt "The birds can fly, so why can't I?"
hardesf' "One thing you can keep and still give is
your word"
FHA 1,2; Health Careers 2,3,4
linda Charlene Wright
Russell Jame Wil on "from our own elves, our joys must fol-
"When you're through learning, you're low"
through" Willie lee Witt FHA 1
FFA 4 "Any1hing you can do, I can do better''
Boy Scouts 1; FFA 2; Art Club 2
Judith Gayle Windham Rosa Linde Zahner
"Be yourself, you can't be someone else" "Beware--1 may do something ensational
Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4-Chaplain 1-V Pres. Craig Franklin Wolford yet!"
3-Pres 4; FHA 1; Prom Committee 3; "love makes the world go 'round" FHA 1; Spanish Club 2,3,4; AFS 3,4; Pep
Repre entative 2; Art Club 4; Art Award Club 2; Beta Club 4; Drama Club 4
2; Field Day 2,3,4; AFS 3; Student Council
3,4; Miss CHS Runner-Up 3; Homecom-
ing; Skit 2,3,4-Committee 2,3,4; Tiger Joseph Francis Woodard Class Flower-Daisy
Staff 4; Columbian Staff 4 "When I feel like working, I just lie down
till the feeling goes away" Class Colors--Blue and Silver
Raymond Joe Witt Class Song-
"He is the mildest manner'd man"
FFA 1,2,4; VICA 3 Edward James Woods "The Long and Winding Road"
Class Motto-
"Some men see things as they are and ask 'why';
we see things that never were and ask 'why not"'