Page 204 - chs-1972
P. 204
Elizabeth Jean Spear Nancy Pauline Tompkins Frederick Steven Whitaker
"My thought are my companion " "A man i alway better than a book" "Everywhere, most of the time"
Student Council 2,3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3; AFS Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3; OCT 4; FHA 1 Beta Club 3,4; Art Club 4; Drama Club 4;
2,3,4; FTA 2; Spanish Club 4; Field Day Presbyterian Folk Choir 4
2,3,4; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3,4; Intra-
mural Council 3-Chairman 4; Award of
Honor 2; Homecoming Skit 2,3 Helen Claretha Tucker
"Her ways are ways of pleasantness" Alice White
Cathy Jeane Splichal FHA 1; 4-H 2 "A quiet tongue shows a wise head"
"Our life is what our thoughts make it" Beta Club 3
Tri-Hi-Y 3,4; FHA 2; Paramedic 2,3; Art
Debra Dian Turner
"To make the world a friendly place, she Mickey Lee Wilks
shows it with a friendly face" "He says little, but he thinks quite alot''
Janet Darlene Stafford FHA 1; Annual Representative 2; Student
"Character is destiny'' Council3
Anita Williams
"She will leave no little things behind, ex-
Dwight lyre cept loving thoughts and kindness"
Windell Neal Stephens
"The world is his who enjoys it'' "Seize the pleasure of the present day'' National Honor Society 1; Student Council
Spani h Club 2 FFA 2,3 1; VOE 4
Glenda Kay Williams
William I aac Varnes "Give me ten lashes with a wet noodle
William Larry Stone
"When I feel like working, I it down until "Tke life as you find it'' and I might shut up"
Bible Club 2; CBE 4
the feeling goes away" FFa 2,3
Dewey Bryant Waldron Clifford Shelton Williams
Jimmy Summerlin No. 31 "School's o.k. when there's nothing el e
"He i a man who, upon finding himself in "A lion among ladies is a most dreadful to do"
hot water decides to take a bath" thing'' FFA 2,3,4; VICA 4
Transfer 4; Football 3,4 Student Council 1,4; Key Club 2,3,4-skit
2; Baseball 4; Up ilon Kappa Phi 3
Charles A. Tannachion James Harlan Williams
"A little work never hurt anyone, but why "Be cheerful and gay, life is grand if you
be the first one!" Roland Wayne Wallace live it that way''
Photography Club 3; Science Club 2; "Life is one long process of getting tired" Chess Club 2; Explorers Club 2; Student
Band 1,2,3
Bernard Washington
"The darkest hour is only sixty minutes"
Albert Dayton Taylor Jurden Williams
"He takes things as they come"
"He likes pleasure, fun and everyone"
Katherine A. Waters
Lynwood Charles Taylor "She ays and does the kindest things in
"Great Soul, great deed" Linda Marie Williams
the kindness way'' "You're only young once, but if you work
Tri-Hi-Y 1 it right, once is enough"
Epsilon Phi Sorority 3,4-Tres 4-Server 1;
Margaret Ann Taylor Cheerleader 1; FHA 1-Reporter; AFS 3,4;
"A sunny smile, a sunny way'' Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3-Grand Councii1-Tres 2,3;
Homecoming: Field Day 2,3,4-Skit
2,3-Committee 2; Student Council 2; An-
Randall Donneal Waters nual Rep 3; Powderpuff Football
Freddie Lee Taylor "Life is but a pilgrimage of blasts" 1,2,3,4-Captain 4; Physical Fitness 3; Se-
"Why study, it's hard for the brain" nior Play 4-Make-up; Tiger Staff 4; Co-
lumbian Staff 4-Senior Directory 4
Linda Kay Weant
Johnny Harvey Thomas "Many charming ways has she"
"I've taken my fun where I found it" DE4
Tyrone Williams
"It's better to be idle than busy about
Rebecca E. Thomas Roger Ollin Webb IV
"Take things as they come--the past is
"She likes pleasure, fun, and everyone"
FHA 2; Tri- Hi-Y 2; FSA 1; FBLA 1 gone, tomorrow is an uncertainity and
today is no sure thing'' Suzanne Williams
Student Council1,4; Band 1 "A sunny smile, a sunny way''
FHA 4; CBE 4
Shirley Ann Thomas
"Forget me not, do remember me"
Rhonda Carol Whidden
"You do your thing and I'll do mine, be- James Wills
cause you are what you are, and I am "A friendly lad is he"
Byron Edward Thompson what I am, and we can't change each oth-
"Everything is funny as long as it is hap- er''
pening to someone else" Music Club 2,3; Art Club 4; Drama Club
FFA 2,3 4; Presbyterian Folk Choir 4 Micheal Darnell Wilson