Page 203 - chs-1972
P. 203

Barbara Robinson            ,
        "Man  has  his  will,  but  woman  ha  her

        Clarence Robinson
        "Boys will  be boys"

        Dorthy Ann Robinson
        "To add life to years,  no years to life"

        jame  Daruce  Robinson
        "Just like  a  rolling  tone"

        Sylvia Ann Robinson
        "The Keynote of life  is  friendship"

        David  Wayne Russell
        "Men  may  come  and  men  may  go,  but  I
        go on forever"
        FFA  1,2,3,4

        Thomas S.  Sabel
        "Work  hard,  and  you  will  reach  your
        goals"                                  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  Student  Council  4;  Chorus  4;   Charles Franklin Simmons
                                                FSA 3,4-Sec 3; VOE 4--Vice President 4   "Did  nothing  particular,  but  did  it  very
                                                                                        Art Club 1
        Gerald Edward Sauls
        " He either finds a  way or makes one"   Deborah Gail Shaw
        FFA  1,2,3;  DECA 4;  OCT 4             "She's  a  honey  without  doubt,  never
                                                known to frown or pout"                 Frank Book Smith No. 7B
                                                Afro-American  Club  2;  Student  Council  2;   "Born with the gift called ability"
                                                FHA 2,3                                 Football  1,2,3,4;  Baseball  2,3,4;  Basketball
        Napoleon Saulsby                                                                2;  Key  Club 2,3,4;  FCA  3,4;  Beta  Club 3,4;
        "To do your own thing"                                                          National  Honor  Society  3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  Ma  -
                                                                                        cot  1,2;  Student  Council  2,3,4--Tres  3;
                                                Debra lou Sheffield                     Cia   Vice  President  2,3-Pre  ident  4;
                                               "A friendly lass is she"                 Boys  State  Nominee  3;  Server  at  Prom  2;
        Samuel Saulsby                                                                  Usher  at  Graduation  3;  U  her  at  Baccalau-
        "It's  better  to  be  idle  than  busy  about                                  reate  3;  Bengal  Club  4;  Most  Valuable  4;
        nothing"                                                                        Best lineman 4; Captain 4
                                                Henry Junior Shepherd
                                               "A quiet tongue  hows a  wise head"
        Cynthia Kay Saunders
        "Many charming ways has she"
       Tri-Hi-Y  2;  Office  Assi  tant  3;  Girl  Scout   Murvin Shepherd             Jimmy lee Smith
        1; DE 4                                "Worry killed a  man, why worry"        " ... and the beat goe  on"
                                               Art Club 2                              FFA 3

       Sheryl Elaine Schmucker
        "Nothing i  impossible to a  willing heart''   Jane Sibbern  en                james larkin Smith
        Music  Club  2,3-Sec-Tres  3;  Mu  ic  Award   "Beware--1  may  do  something sensational   " Why let the devil have all the fun"
        2;  St.  Cecilia  Mu  ic  Award  1;  Mixed   yet"
        Chorus  Accompanist  2,3;  Ensemble  Ac-  Transfer  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  4;  Science  Club  1;
        companist  3;   FHA   1;  Science  Club   Tennis  1,2,3;  Skiing  Club  2,3;  Drill  Team
       3,4--Sec  4;  Honorable  Mention-Science   3;  Art  Club  2,3;  Field  Day  4;  Powder   Ricky Walter Smith
        Fair  1;  Geometry Award  2;  Algebra  Award   puff Football 4; Columbian Staff 4   "Sometimes  I  wonder  what  chool's  all
        1,3;  Beta  Club 3,4;  National  Honor Society                                 about''
       3,4-Tres. 4;  Top 10  Placement Test 1,4                                        FFA 2,4

                                               Celinda Gail Simpson                    William Allen Smythe No. 77
       Judy Ann Sellers                        "Take life as you find  it''            "let's have fun  today''
       "So blind as not to see"                                                        Football  4;  FCA  4;  Photography  Club  3;
       Music Club 1                                                                    Spanish Club 3;  Chess Club 3-Sec 3
                                               Eva Tere  a Sim
                                               "He  who  has  health,  has  hope,  and  he
       Charlotte Ann Sexton                    who has hope--has everything"           Ro  alie Snelgrove
       "She  makes  a  grin  grow  where  only  a   FHA  1;  4-H  2;  Bible  Club  2;  Beta  Club  4;   "She looks cheerfully upon everything"
       grouch was before"                      Pathfinder Club 2                       FHA 1;  DECA 4

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