Page 201 - chs-1972
P. 201
"Let u do or die" "Ev ry minute you are angry, you lose six- Billy Joe Parri h
ty minutes of happiness" "He is the very pine-apple of politenes "
Mela Delinda Sailana Merrick
"I wasn't born yesterday, so why treat me Henrietta Newton Wayne Alfred Parrish
like a baby" "Why study! It's hard for the brain" "A little work a little play''
FHA 1; DECA 3 FFA 3,4; DECA 3,4
Ruby Mae Mickler
"If you want to be succes ful in the years Kathy Charlene Nix Richard Gerald Paul
to come, use your brain, not your friends" "But does it matt r?" "If there is such a thing a Regeneration, I
Tri-Hi-Y 3 hope to come back a a buzzard becau e
he has no enemies or financial worries"
Gary lee Mincks
"The biggest rascal that ever walked the Steven Wayne Norman
halls" "Duty is what one expects from others" Patricia Joann Pepper
Band 1; Key Club 2,3,4 "Gentle in her manner and fair to look
Deborah lorraine Mizell Ep ilon Phi Sorority 3,4--Sec 4--Server 1;
"loyal, dependable and fair, such a girl is Frederick William Norris Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3-Treasurer 1-Historian 3;
really rare" "Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you o Powder Puff Football 1; AFS 3; CBE 4;
Tri-Hi-Y 2,3,4; AFS 3,4 fibs" Usher at Class Night 3; Homecoming Skit
3; Cheerleader 2; Annual Representative 2
Lorean lenora Mizell joseph Michael Norris
"She greets each day with a smile" "It matters not how long you live, but Kay Marie Parnell
4-H 1 how well" "Few are her word , but wonderfully
james Michael Moody Alan Brian Norton
"Give the world the best you have" "Big and bad but ifs only blue"
DCT4 Sara Nell Parnell
"A good hearfs worth gold"
Marsha lee Moon FBLA 4; CBE 4
"I'm just me" Barbara O'Cain
Gymnastics 1; Tri- Hi- Y 2,3; Spanish 4 "Live life to the fullest, you only have
one" John Ashton Pearce
Fashion Show Director 2; Usherette 3; "If you're tired of working, you may give
Beverly Annette Morgan Pep Club 1; Clinic Assistant 1,2,3; Tri-Hi-Y out, but don't give up"
"Just beinghappy i a fine thing" 4
FBLA 4 FFA 3,4
Bonnie jeanne O'Connor Charles lucias Perry
james Edward Morris, Jr. "The friendly illusion"
"A man of good character" Grievance Committee 3; Advisory Council "Success isn't succe s without a try"
Band 1; FFA 1; Football 2; Choir 2; Choir
FFA 2,3,4; VICA 4 4; Beta Club 3, ; National Honor Society 2· FTA 3· Student Council 2; Journali m
3,4; Photography Club 3,4; Drama Club 2; OCT 4 ;'Advisory Board 3,4
1,2,3,4; Art Club 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; EYC
jane Carol Morris 1,2,3,4; Folk Choir 2,3; AFS 3,4
"She is good as she is fair''
Marilyn Perry
"Bl\, young, be foolish, but be happy"
Willie levon Olds
Timothy jo eph Moses FHA1;NAACP3
"A little work, a little play"
"The wildest colt make the best hor es" 4-H 4
National Honor Society 3,4 Beta Club 3,4
Vera lee Perry
"If a thin line between love and hate"
Kevin Kelly O'Neal No. 34 FTA 4; Afro-American Club 2
Herbert Milton Moss
"Everyone stamps his own value on him- "Beware--1 may do something ensational
DECA4 Server at jr-Sr Prom 2; Student Council 1; Shirley Diane Peters
Key Club 2,3,4; Science Club 1; Track 3,4; "Speech is silver, ilence is golden"
Drama Club 1; FCA 3,4; Football 3,4 FHA1,2,3,4; FBLA4
Patricia Ann Murphy
"look ahead and se ; there's no end to Daniel P. Padgett, Jr.
time" "A silent and calm lad is he" Eric Leigh Peterson
"When things go low, just step on the
Ep ilon Phi Sorority 4; Columbian Staff 4;
Floor show at Prom 2; Usher at Miss CHS gas and keep on trucking''
3; AFS 3; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; Senior Play 4 Beverly jean Pannell VICA3
"In her tongue i the law of kindness"
Tri-Hi-Y 1; Beta Club 4; VOE 4-Pres 4; Phillip David Pettibone
Gloria jean Newsome FSA 4 "We love him for him elf alone"
"You only get out of life what you put Science Club 1; Drama Club 1; Pep Club
into if' 2; Student Council 1,4; Art Club 2,3,4;
Honor Society 1; National Honor Society Frederick Parker Chess Club 2; Senior Play 4; Field Day
2; FTA 4; 4-H 1,2,3,4; Afro-American Club "let the world roll along, I'll get there la- 2,3; Columbian Staff 4; Tiger Staff 4
2; FHA 1,4 ter''
Mary Elizabeth Phillips
Russell Leland Newsome Diane lynn Parnell "Never say more than i necessary''
"A little nonsen e now and then is re- "Joy is never out of eason" FHA 1; library 4; VOE 4--Vice Pre ; FSA 4
li hed by the wisest men"
Key Club 3,4; Art Club 3,4
Walter Alfred Parnell Ill Richard Bryan Philpot No. 75
"Society is built upon trusf' "Wine women and song get me down
Steven Keith Newsome ... I'll quit singing"