Page 202 - chs-1972
P. 202
Football 1,2,3,4; Track 3; FFA 2; Tri-Hi-Y "Hi personality and humor will make him Mary Elizabeth Rhodes
Mascot 3; Bengal Club 4 many friend " "She is nice by name and nature"
Art Club 4; Sr. Class Play 4; Homecoming
Skit 4
Jani Marie Pickerin Clifford Michael Richard
"She greet each day with a mile" "I belong to a union, my books are closed
Steve Irvin Raulerson at night"
"It' alright to drink like a fish as long as FFA 2
Robert Hill "Rockie" Pitts you drink what a fish does"
"Don't take life too eriously; you will ne- Football 2,3; Powder Puff Cheerl ader 4;
ver get out of it alive" Student Council1; Track 2,3 Dennis Graham Richards
Basketball 2; DECA 4; Physical Fitness 2 "Full of fun and mischief, ask his teachers
and you will see"
Gerald Wayne Redden Band 1
"Rea on is not measured by size or height
Deborah Delight Plymale but by principle"
"Her goodness makes the world bright''
Ep ilon Phi Sorority 3,4-Chaplain 4-Ser- Eric Roberson
ver 1; Student Council 2,3,4; Tri-Hi-Y Randy Franklin Redding "Wisdom is what you teach your elf"
1,2,3-V Pres 1-Pre 2-Chaplain 3; Ser- "He trie to do his duty the best he can" Band 2,3,4
ver at Prom 2; Usher at Mis CHS 3; FSA
3,4-V Pres. 3; National Honor Society 3t Dorthy Kay "Dotsy" Roberts
Beta Club 3,4; FHA 1; VOE 4; Homecom- Donna Faye Register "Tell me pretty maiden, are there any
ing Skit 2; Powder Puff Football 1,2,4; "I think that I shall never scan, a tree as
Homecoming Attendant 4 lovely as a man" more at home like you1"
Cheerleader 3,4; Girl State 4; Perfect At- Girl choru 4
tendance 2,3,4; Beta Club 4; Miss CHS
Michael Lee Poarch Pageant 3; Office Assistant 2; Annual
"Let the chips fall where they may" Representative 3; Presidential Award 2; Ti- Nancy Joan Roberts
ger Staff 4; Columbian Staff 4
"Sometimes I wonder what school's all
Patti Lynn Power about"
"She is a girl with splendid abilities" DECA3
Pep Club 2; Spanish club 3,4; AFS 3,4 Sharon Jane Register
"Speech is silver, silence is golden"
CBE 4-President
Robin Harold Roberts
Mary Ann Prine "Where all think alot, no one thinks very
''To worry little, to tudy less, is my idea
of happine s" Steve Allan Register much"
"I go to chool to cut the fool" Perfect Attendance 1,2,3,4; Mu Alpha
DE4 Theta 3,4
Timothy Pierce
"A friendly lad i he"
Shirley Ann Reynolds
"Be young, be foolish, but be happy" William C. Roberts Jr.
David F. Randolf DECA4; DE 4 "Take life as you find it''